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Faxe Premium

Contribute your own beer reviews and ratings of beers that are made or available in Ontario.

Moderators: Craig, Cass

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Seasoned Drinker
Posts: 1118
Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:22 am
Location: Barrie, Ontario

Faxe Premium

Post by mintjellie »

1.58/5 rDev -44.2%
look: 2 | smell: 1.5 | taste: 1.5 | feel: 1.5 | overall: 1.75

Deep gold colour, 1/2 inch fizzy white head disappears quickly. No lace. Mild, vaguely beery aroma hints at fresh baked bread lightly buttered. Sweet, malty flavour with notes of white bread and light diacetyl. Light hop bitterness in the finish. Light-bodied with light carbonation for the style. Slick mouthfeel. This would be decent if it weren't for the diacetyl fault. As it is, this is not good beer. Take a pass on it.

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