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Introducing Light Mode! If you would like a Bar Towel social experience that isn't the traditional blue, you can now select Light Mode. Go to the User Control Panel and then Board Preferences, and select "Day Drinking" (Light Mode) from the My Board Style drop-down menu. You can always switch back to "Night Drinking" (Dark Mode). Enjoy!
Any word on if Amsterdam is releasing Tempest in the LCBO again this year? I know it's at both (a good clue it might be a big release) retail locations as of today, just wondering if I need to make the trek down this week, or if there are going to be cases at the LCBO. Can't miss Tempest!
groulxsome wrote:Any word on if Amsterdam is releasing Tempest in the LCBO again this year? I know it's at both (a good clue it might be a big release) retail locations as of today, just wondering if I need to make the trek down this week, or if there are going to be cases at the LCBO. Can't miss Tempest!
someone else posted Tempest was "listed again". Grabbed some this evening. Tasty stuff. Now, what about Double Tempest?
Yukon Brewing Yukon Gold Pale Ale
Muskoka Detour (Tall Can)
Session Saison Barrel Aged Red & White 2-Pk (guessing red and white wine barrel)
Rogue 7 Hop IPA
Bolshevic Bastard 6-Pk
Trafalgar Ornage Chocolate Porter
Oakham Green Devil IPA