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Best Beer Ever

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Post by kinguy »

A snifter of Goose Island Bourbon County at the Goose Island Wrigleyville Brewpub after my first Cubs game at Wrigley Field.

As I recall, it was the first time I paid double digits for a beer in a bar.

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Post by uno99 »

I spent my honeymoon in Belgium and obviously brought back a lot of beer. One of them was an 11 year old Chimay Grand Reserve. I waited a few months until Thanksgiving to open it with my brother after our meal. It was incredible; obviously well cellared and was probably the perfect age to open it as oxidation was just starting to creep in.

While in Belgium I also bought a fresh bottle – 2009. I’ve kept it to this day and I patiently wait until 2020.

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Post by distr0 »

finding & drinking this was a pretty cool experience


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Post by sofakingdrunk »

Digging up an old one...

A bottle or Orkney skull splitter,after going back to my(original) hometown in Scotland 3 years ago. Doubt anyone know's the place, but there's a spot in the scottish borders called Scott's lookout where Sir Walter Scott used to walk everyday. There's a spot looking down to the valley and river,great view,perfect place to sit and sip on a beer. Not necessarily the best tasting beer i've ever had.....but much like everyone else, it's a combo of beer/company/location.

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Post by A »

Not to far away from there I enjoyed a warm bottle of Brewdog Paradox while overlooking Eileen Donan castle. I won't say it was the best beer ever but considering that beer is really not very good it was a damn sight better than it had the right to be! :D

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Post by northyorksammy »

Cuvee de Tommee was great at Radek's place. I shared a bottle with the manager at a Pizza Port a year later and it was even better.

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