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Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (Draft)

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G.M. Gillman
Seasoned Drinker
Posts: 1486
Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:24 pm

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (Draft)

Post by G.M. Gillman »

Had this a couple of times now so feel I can give it a considered review.

First, I know now that its formulation is different to the bottled and canned one. It is a bit less strong and not conditioned in the container. This explains the slightly less intense flavour.

It has a fine elegant taste though especially as it warms in the glass. The hop flavour and bouquet marry perfectly with the sweet malt taste. It doesn't "taste" like the best Czech lager on draft (Urquell, or Bernard, say) yet I was constantly put in mind of this analogy when drinking it: the quality is at the same level.

I can't recall a better pale ale in North America and it gives Britain's best a run for its money. Obviously there are many other fine beers in North America but the exquisite taste and balance of this one stand out, IMO.

Gary Gillman

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