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Swing top beer bottles...anyone know where I can get them?

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Swing top beer bottles...anyone know where I can get them?

Post by dutchcanuck »

I'm new to the bar towel and the home brewing scene, and I was hoping to tap the vast knowledge of the people here. I would like to buy some swing-top beer bottles, preferably in sizes of 500ml or larger, for bottling my delicious brew.
So I put the question to the ladies and gentlemen who patrol these boards, do you know where I might be able to buy them? OR if you have any extras you'd like to give away or sell, let me know and maybe we could work something out? I live in St. Catharines, but I have no problems in driving to Hamilton or Toronto in order to buy them. I'm a little wary of buying them off the internet since they are glass and I can foresee opening a box of shattered glass.
Oh I should mention, drinking a case or two of Grolsch is not a cost effective way of procuring these bottles that I am interested in pursuing ;)
I am aware that I could use plastic bottles, but I like glass. Finally I just want to thank all answers in advance and any help you can provide.

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Post by JerCraigs »

Most homebrew shops will carry them. I know Ein Stein in Oakville definitely used to have them, not sure about now.

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Post by grub »

i've seen them at homebrew shops, but not around the gta (mostly because i haven't found any good hbs). you could always take a drive over to niagara tradition homebrew in buffalo, as they have 16oz brown swingtops, superior to the green bottles commercial breweries use. link

one note: while they might seem convenient, they aren't always. first, you really should be removing the rubber seals to properly clean and sanitize the bottles. the seals also need to be changed periodically as they dry out and crack. finally (and the clincher for me) they really aren't suitable for long-term storage due to the cracking factor. more hassle than they're worth if you ask me. regular capping is easy and cheap and can be used with just about any non-twist bottle you come across.[/url]

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Post by dutchcanuck »

Thanks for the tips!
I'm currently brewing at Brew Time in Hamilton since my small apartment I don't believe would be conducive to all-grain brewing. I don't have to worry about long time storage since I have no place to keep them. I'm therefore forced to drink one batch before I bottle the next. I just thought the swing tops would be easier in the long run, even with replacing seals. But since I eventually would like to get into cellaring, a few years down the road when i have a house, perhaps i will stick with the capped bottles.
Thanks again.

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Post by clasher »

I've capped Ontario twist offs without a problem.

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Post by ctalbot »

I know Soda Centre in Scarborough has a bunch of Grolsch swing-top bottles for sale (unless someone has bought them in the last couple of weeks).


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