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What you can do to help the Ontario Microbreweries

Discuss beer or anything else that comes to mind in here.

Moderators: Craig, Cass

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Asst. Grain Shoveller
Posts: 147
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Location: The Black Oak Brewing Co.

Post by Asst. Grain Shoveller »

A while back on Trevor's deck, Roger asked me what can he do to help the Microbreweries? Such a simple question, but my head swims with all of the possible ways that will help our industry. Here's a ten step Micro program to help us. (Okay so a few steps are missing!!!) The key point is to get more people to drink and appreciate quality Micro brewed beers. It can be done on a grass roots level, person by person.

I'll give you my ideas as points then expand on them further on:

Create some awareness of the quality Micro brewed beers that we have in Ontario. Get new people involved.

Promote Safe & Responsible drinking

Create some demand in the Pubs & Restaurants, LCBO's and Beer Stores.

Support the Pubs & Restaurants that serve Ontario Microbreweries (and the Brewpubs too!)

Visit the Breweries either singly or with a group (definitely more fun in a group)

Go to beer events, i.e. Beer Dinners, Beer Festivals (and bring some friends)

Support sites like Bartowel and Ratebeer.

Get political. Tell your MP & MPP that you support the Microbrewery Industry in Ontario

Get Writing. Write to major and local newspapers, magazines. Tell them about the great Micro brewed beers available in Ontario.

Some Background:

There's a lot to cover, so please bear with me. With the recent sale of KLB to Amsterdam, and the loss of other Microbreweries (ie Taylor & Bate, Hogtown) our industry is undergoing some sever changes. There is also the opening of new breweries such as Mill Street and King which shows that there will be more good micro brewed beer available. "Fresh and Local", "Craft Brewed" are ways that we describe our products. Each of us has something different to offer.

It's important to remember that each brewery is a business. We have investors, staff, suppliers and bank loans. As businesses we must make a profit in order to pay for all the products we use to get our beer to you. In addition we have to be able to pay our staff and our investors. There are many different companies in the brewing industry. Some are small (very small using Black Oak as an example) and some are big. Each will be run differently and have different methods of doing business. All of us have the goal of selling beer. A basic principle is the more beer sold the more we can put back into our business while paying our staff, suppliers, and investors. So our business is volume based.

In order to sell more volume (and be more successful) we need your help. In Ontario each of us can sell bottled (or canned) product through two principal channels: LCBO and The Beer Store. I wont go into detail about these, each having strengths and weaknesses. We can also sell our beer through our own retail store (good for tours & tastings!!!) Keg product is available at Pubs & Restaurants and out of our retail stores.

These are the ways that we can sell beer in Ontario.

A final consideration is the market that we are serving and the competition that we face. The major imports and big domestic breweries have huge marketing firepower and lots of people to keep peoples attention focused on their beer. We small brewers have limited cashflow and often lack the combination of marketing expertise, positioning and exposure that we need to succeed.

I'm trying to paint an accurate picture of the obstacles that we face. We small brewers like beer and enjoy all of the hard work that it takes to get the product out to you. We are a stubborn bunch that produces what we consider to be very good beer. We need more people who appreciate good, locally made beer.

Now with that bit of background established on with my suggestions

Create some awareness of the quality Micro brewed beers that we have in Ontario
"Be a Beer Mentor"

Get new people involved in sampling Ontario Micro brewed beer. Be careful how you approach anyone about Micro brewed beer. Frothing at the mouth (obviously with beer foam!!), running up to strangers and demanding that they only drink beer that has 580 IBU's and a lovibond rating of 9 million will probably get you committed.

Like riding a bike, start simple, a few steps at a time (not like throwing a newbie into the tour de France) and go slowly. The Winking Judge in Hamilton introduces new people by suggesting beers that have a bit more malt flavour and a bit more hops than what they?re used to. Basically you have to find out what the new people drink and move them on to new flavours. Remember how you developed your taste experiences. Do it slow and keep it simple. Soon you will have a new micro brewery supporter. (Eventually we'll have legions of hop crazed micro loyal beer zealots spreading the good word)

Another thing to consider is each person's individual taste. We all have different experiences and different perceptions of beer. Don?t ride a new person if they like a beer that you don?t. You can get better results if you build on their experience. You may have to look at things from another person's viewpoint, but that's part of the learning process. It's important to "interact with" rather than "talk down to" new beer people. The interaction can be more fun as you can learn through another person's experiences. Keep an open mind and you will also become a better Beer Mentor.

Promote Safe & Responsible drinking
This is a simple idea that all of you already embrace. Please continue to do so. I'm always pleased that invitations to events & parties discourage any driving after drinking and recommend alternate transportation. Please encourage others to keep this message at the forefront.
We as Micro Breweries need to keep our supporters healthy and happy. It's about quality and never quantity. Never drink and drive.

Create some demand in the Pubs & Restaurants, LCBO's and Beer Stores.
(The Sqeeky Wheel gets the grease)

Create demand by asking for Ontario Micro brewed beer:
At your local LCBO's
At your favourite bars & restaurants
At your local Beer Store.

Do it politely and regularly. How you approach and ask for things will directly affect your chances. It doesn't hurt to ask for product that you enjoy in the establishments that you frequent. This also helps build awareness (remember: no rabid beer foam)

Support the Pubs & Restaurants that serve Ontario Microbreweries (and the Brewpubs too!)
Bring some friends and introduce them to your favourite haunts. It's a great social thing.
Get to know the people that work there and the managers/owners. Thank them for supporting the Ontario micro's.
Some places really care for the presentation of beer and train their staff well. Other locations seem to have "warm bodies" that just dispense rather than make the occasion enjoyable. These locations need improvement. Talk to the managers/owners and suggest they improve their training methods. The upside of this is increased sales. The downside of not improving their service is the loss of customers which leads to a loss of business and here's the ultimate "the loss of money"

Visit the Breweries either singly or with a group (definitely more fun in a group)
This can be a fun event. Like I said, it's better in a group. When we had the Bartowel tour it was a blast.
This can be a great way to meet the people who work in the breweries. It's good to build some relationships. We as breweries love to gossip and speculate on everything about beer. It's very nice to get feedback from the people who support us. A few kind words can make all of the hard work worthwhile.
Generally we are a nice bunch of people. I think that we should lobby the government for a special Microbrewery wing at the local mental institution where we can check ourselves in every now and then. When visiting us there please smuggle in some beer.

Go to beer events, i.e. Beer Dinners, Tours, Beer Festivals (and bring some friends)
This is a great way to introduce new people to great beer. Events, dinners, tastings, tours and festivals are fun. Micro beer and people seem to go well together. I really can't say any more about this because it's such a no-brainer. Support these events and have some fun.
Host a tasting with some new people and see what happens.

Support sites like Bartowel and Ratebeer.
This is another no-brainer. You can be a lurker by reading the posts and information, but you can get more out of these by actively participating. Voice your opinion (keeping everything civil) and use all the information. Keep posting reviews of events, restaurants & Pubs. So what if you disagree with some ones rating of "Square Bubble Lager", post a reply and let your thoughts be known.
It would be helpful at events if you could identify your Bartowel "Handel". It's kind of nice to put a face with a name. I'm still having trouble keeping track of who's who.

Get political. Tell your MP & MPP that you support the Microbrewery Industry in Ontario

This is the political side of things. It must be dealt with tact and repetition. Contact your local MP and your MPP, introduce yourself and let your support for the Microbrewery Industry be known to both MP & MPP.
This is a critical step in the support for the Micro brewers. This is how we can change the tax structure both provincially and federally. We are working with the OSBA to lobby both the Federal and Provincial governments for changes that will reduce the tax burden that we face in Canada and in Ontario.

The more voices that support the Micros coupled with lots of repetition that the MP's and MPP's receive, the better our chances of successfully changing the current tax structure. E-mails, faxes and snail mail as well as scheduled appointments will really help us. Attend some fund raisers or political events and make yourself seen. Talk with the assistants and aids, get known and support them.

The Ontario Small Brewers Association (OSBA) is a group of small brewers that have put aside our differences and as a group we are working on several fronts to improve the Ontario market for all of our products. We are working with the LCBO in developing a collective marketing plan for Small Brewers. We have a sponsor ministry: the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services, which will help us with our goals. We are working with the Beer Store on some initiatives that will help to raise the presence of the Ontario small brewers.

As small producers of Beverage Alcohol we are taxed at rates similar to big breweries who have economies of scale that we don't have. As well the big breweries have legal teams and lobbyists who monitor our activity and lobby against us.
We as Micro brewers create more jobs, provide locally made beer and are located all across Ontario. The current Provincial government is pro small business. The OSBA has support and awareness of our unfair production taxation situation. We are seeking to bring our Taxes, Levies and Fees in line with the rest of the world.
Your support for MP's and MPP's can be translated directly into voting power. They want to get elected or stay in their offices. Your support of our small brewer's issues will greatly help the Ontario small brewers.

Get Writing. Write to major and local newspapers, magazines. Tell them about the great Micro brewed beers available in Ontario.
You can make a difference by regularly voicing your opinion to newspapers and magazines that are read by the general public. This is a great way to increase awareness and get the good word out. Talk up the good places they are available at and why people should enjoy the local Ontario breweries more.
Support the authors that do get articles printed by sending emails, snail mails and visit their websites.

There that about covers the basics of what came to mind. Sorry if I sound preachy but this is an important to you as the people who drink our beer and those of us that make it.
With more support and awareness we can start producing some styles that can show off our brewing skill.

I encourage each of you to get out and do something to support and help grow the Ontario Micro brewing industry. If you don?t do anything then nothing good will happen.

In closing I hope these recommendations answer Roger's question. You can send me an email at kenwoods@blackoakbeer.com with your opinion. It may take me a while to get back to you. But please post some replies and let us know what you think. Your help is very important.

Thanx & Cheers !!!

Ken Woods, CMA
The Black Oak Brewing Company Ltd.

PS sorry about the edit. My upload from Word turned all my ' into ?. Stupid computer!!!!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Asst. Grain Shoveller on 2003-07-19 15:37 ]</font>

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Post by joey_capps »

Well said Ken. And kudos on what might be the longest Bar Towel post ever. :wink:

Cheers, Joe.

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Post by PRMason »

Great work Ken. How about running for Prime Minister?(seriously)
And by the by, whats wrong with 580 IBU's...I'm slowly working my way there...:smile:
I urge all of you to give Ken's manifesto some serious thought. We really do need a grass-roots movement to get the attention of the powers that be.

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Post by GregClow »

An excellent post, Ken, with many good points.

One idea that springs to mind for me after reading this - why don't we make another attempt at getting a regular monthly or bi-monthly Bar Towel pub night going, and make a point of going to pubs and restaurants that are strong supporters of Ontario micros?

Some locations I would suggest off the top of my head would include:

C'est What
Mitzi's Sister
The Rebel House
Sarah's Cafe
The Bow & Arrow
Frecklebean Cafe
The Blue Meaney (when it opens)

Any thoughts or other suggested locations?


PS: I haven't forgotten Smokeless Joe, I just figure that most of us are there on a fairly regular basis, so it would be nice to explore some places that are new to some of us each time around.

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Post by JWalter »

I love the idea of the regular pub nights!! I try to get out for a good beer pub crawl with my buddies every few months, but the more the merrier, it would be good for all of us to get together more often, get to know each other, brainstorm & talk more about to promote further organization and support for the industry in general... Let me know how I can help!

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Post by JWalter »

Cass & Ken - I'd like to see the initial post in this thread cleaned up and posted to it's own page/section of the Bar Towel site, almost a Bar Toweler's Manifesto or something... :smile: What do you guys think??

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Post by Cass »

Thats a great idea - that would be great for the "beer reports" section. What do you think Ken?

Asst. Grain Shoveller
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Post by Asst. Grain Shoveller »

Guess I should put some text into my post. Oh well nothing is simple anymore.
Cass I think that this post could have its own forum area.
We should work on the Beer mentor idea. I'd nominate you, Robert Hughey, Steve Beaumont and Josh Oakes as beer guru's. having one of these guys out for a pub crawl would be great. A lot of learning and fun could be had by all.
Speaking of pubcrawls I really like the idea of regular pub crawls or getting together at your favourite pub. Times could be posted, Trips could be planned and events attended as a group. Always remeber to bring a friend. (Kinda like being in the pool when the guard whistles and says "BUDDY UP")
Let me know what you think

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Asst. Grain Shoveller on 2003-07-26 13:58 ]</font>

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