Looking for the original Bar Towel blog? You can find it at www.thebartowel.com.
We have a trivia question in order to register to prevent bots. If you have any issues with answering, contact us at cass@bartowel.com for help.
Introducing Light Mode! If you would like a Bar Towel social experience that isn't the traditional blue, you can now select Light Mode. Go to the User Control Panel and then Board Preferences, and select "Day Drinking" (Light Mode) from the My Board Style drop-down menu. You can always switch back to "Night Drinking" (Dark Mode). Enjoy!
We have a trivia question in order to register to prevent bots. If you have any issues with answering, contact us at cass@bartowel.com for help.
Introducing Light Mode! If you would like a Bar Towel social experience that isn't the traditional blue, you can now select Light Mode. Go to the User Control Panel and then Board Preferences, and select "Day Drinking" (Light Mode) from the My Board Style drop-down menu. You can always switch back to "Night Drinking" (Dark Mode). Enjoy!
Trade for a bottle of Don De Dieu
Trade for a bottle of Don De Dieu
Anyone up to trade a 750ml bottle of Don De Dieu, purchased in June 2009? I really liked it last year, but I didn't love it when I tried it this time. Perhaps my tastes have changed. My preference would be any U.S IPA. Any takers?
"Put another brick in my hookah, Chow Ming, and fetch me fresh silks, I've soiled myself again."
--Franklin Pierce, April 6, 1856
--Franklin Pierce, April 6, 1856