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New Grist Sorghum Beer

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New Grist Sorghum Beer

Post by mintjellie »

:cry: This stuff is awful. If I were a praying man, I'd be praying that none of us ever require a gluten-free diet.

D / 2.2
look: 4 | smell: 1.5 | taste: 2 | feel: 2 | drink: 1
rDev: -22.3%

Pale straw with a meringue-like head. The head dies down pretty quickly, but leaves a thin layer over the beer that sticks around for awhile. Leaves behind a pretty lace. There's something about it's aroma that I find antiseptic and unpleasant. There's some apple and lemon in the aroma as well. The apple isn't like sour green apple, but more like apple juice. It tastes lemony and sweetish, with only a little bit of apple. There some tartness and harshness to it, and that antiseptic nose seems to affect the palate as well. It really doesn't taste as bad as it smells though. Light-bodied and finely carbonated. Despite being thin and watery, it isn't very refreshing at all. I'm pretty happy I'm not on some kind of gluten-free diet. If I couldn't tolerate gluten, I'd give up beer rather than drink this.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 03-08-2010 05:39:37

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