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Minhas Creek Brewery looking at old Lakeport site

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Post by Ukie »

What bothers me is not that Labatts closed the brewery, I mean we all knew that was going to happen, its the fact that they weren't stand up guys and let somebody else takeover. I realize plants come and go, some move into the area and some move out and its just business but this goes beyond that. There was a company in Burlington a few weeks ago that closed down and moved to the States but they sold the operation to two managers and contracted back some of the work to them. I guess for Labatts it doesn't say much about faith in your product or market share that you are that worried about competiton. Personally I don't do Labatts and will pay more attention to what they are even remotely connected with before I buy. There is lots of good brew out there so to me it is no big deal to just say no.

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Post by Ukie »

Some new info, some talk of boycott:


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Post by JerCraigs »

While I empathize with the workers that are out of a job, Labatt made an economic decision. Do I think that it would be nice for companies to be more loyal to their employees? Sure. Do I think that that is a sound business decision for a company whose product is essentially commoditized? Possibly not.

Did Labatt receive any public funds for the brewery? If yes they have more of an obligation to the people of Ontario (e.g. GM) but if they didn't, then their only obligation is how good a corporate citizen do they want to be? The apparent answer as good as they have to be to keep Lakeport employees from hurting their key summer sales period...

The quote from Ravinder Minhas is funny. There is no way that Minhas coming to Ontario is good for Labatt. As Rob has pointed out, the prevalence of discount brands has likely had a profound effect on the bottom line of Molson and Labatt the last couple years.

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