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Bacchus Oud Bruin

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Bacchus Oud Bruin

Post by codfishh »

I've had a couple of these since the fall release has started hitting the shelves, I've been really enjoying.

Pours a reddish brown, with a big off white head. Some sourness and winey smells.

A little sourness in the taste but balanced with the sweetness of the malt, I honestly could do with a little more sourness, I haven't had much experience with sour beers some of the others I have had have been too sour.

Either way I thought it was a good beer, I'd definitely pick it up again.

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Post by JeffPorter »

Yep - it's pretty yummy. Not quite as sour, as you say, as the cuvee rene, but I do like the malt/sour mix...I'm kinda wondering how it would cellar.

...I can't wait to make a carbonnade with it though!!!
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Post by ritzkiss »

Pretty simple, not nearly as complex as is typical for the style. Lacking much of the vinegar character and bitterness to balance that you'd hope for. That said, it certainly is an easy quaff and enjoyable when you're not after something all that complex.

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Post by matt7215 »

i really like this one as well, as others have said its not as big and punchy as panil or rodenbach gran cru but its a very enjoyable beverage

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