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Bar Fly
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Location: Fitzroy Harbour, ON

Post by PRMason »

They did a show on Muskoka last year. Maybe its rerun season in Belgium.

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Mississauga Matt
Posts: 270
Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2002 7:00 pm

Post by Mississauga Matt »

I saw a show where they went on and on about an inter-Interbrew bartending competition. Lots of nonsense about dipping the glass the requisite number of times in a sink full of water, holding the glass up for inspection, pouring the beer, scraping the head off with a knife, setting the beer down, etc etc etc, all the while with some clipboard carrying judge in the background assessing each and every move. Kind of like ice dancing. Real sissy stuff, if you ask me.

Hey Interbrew, you're Belgian, not French. leave the effeminate stuff to the wine crowd.

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