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Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:12 pm
by Belgian
Though my Adam seems well-sealed, the caps are crimped in a slightly uneven way.

If somebody had a very skinny straight plier or a needle-nose plier, they could gently (I said gently) compress the cap edges tighter going round the looser areas - and not too close to the top of the cap but below the bead.

I would risk this only at a time one were ready to drink a bottle. The Adam kicks MoFo butt, by the way!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:09 pm
by joey_capps
JerCraigs wrote:
Belgian wrote: Perhaps a simple question LCBO is in order: "what is the procedure for replacing faulty product?" Put the ball in their court; they're a hugely-funded Crown Corp put here to prectect you after all.
The LCBO is actually quite good about taking back product, but I expect that the situation might be different for private orders. Sigh. I will have to go check out my bottles of DC.
I don't see why a private order should be any different. They LCBO is the retailer and is taking their cut of the sale. They ought to be responsible for ensuring that the product is in good shape when it goes out to the consumer. If I custom order a product, oh I don't know, say a marble counter top, and it arrives damaged, I don't accept it and I expect the retailer, the company from which I bought the product and not the manufacturer, to either refund my money or make good on their end of the contract. Just because the LCBO is a monopoly doesn't mean that they don't have to live up to their end of the bargain. Despite what they may think, they are not doing us any favours by bringing in these private orders. They are making money off of these order--albeit not as much as they'd like--and it is good public relations for them to look responsive to consumer demand. They are not doing these orders out of kindness.

Rant over.


Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:56 pm
by Belgian
Yes that's the whole point, really. In principle the LCBO is making all products available on he same terms - so, let them deal with any supplier issues, as that is the incumbency they take upon themselves in being a trade-controlling Monopoly.

By the way, anybody with a major jones to turn a trade on an Adam, I will freely exchange a maximum of 1 (one) unit to each of two interested persons. It is too good to keep to oneself. Beermail me & we'll see.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:07 am
by LarryKress
I picked up my order at the main distribution LCBO in Ottawa on Dec 23.
The store was very busy and they had my order all ready to go.
Stupid me didn't check my order until I drove 50 km home.
I ordered 2 cases each of doggie claws, adam & fred.
I received 2 doggie claws, 1 fred & 3 adam.
Called the LCBO and their explanation was "That's what Toronto sent us, call
them on next wednesday".
Talk about pass the buck, I don't give a **** answer.
Friggin overpaid union shelf stockers!

Fred, adam and I will have to have a good heart to heart.
Thank you to the bartowelers who organized this order!

Larry Kress