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Nickelbrook's Double Dry Hopped Variations were removed from Untappd

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Nickelbrook's Double Dry Hopped Variations were removed from Untappd

Post by instantkamera »

As the topic says. Not sure if many of you have noticed, but both Double Dry Hopped Naughty Neighbour (DDHNN) and Double Dry Hopped Headstock (DDHH) were "merged" at some point today with their base beers, on Untappd.

I was curious why, so I opened a ticket:

http://help.untappd.com/discussions/bre ... d-in-error

Am I wrong here? I feel like this is pretty common (batch tweaks being added as a different beer) and I feel like it's a bold stance for what seems like a normally fairly "hands off" app.

I realized that this may be making a mountain out a hop pile, but I opened the ticket largely because I thought it was a bug/glitch and now I'm ticked.

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Post by DeMarco »

Definitely not wrong here, I'm curious what is going on though...

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Post by MatttthewGeorge »

I think it's weird too. They're obviously variants so either a "Super User" is overstepping their role (wow, shocking! I'm having the same issue on Discogs right now) or Nickel Brook is doing it, which would be interesting to know due to it being governmental I would assume.
I used to sell beer. Now I don't.

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Post by instantkamera »

MatttthewGeorge wrote:I think it's weird too. They're obviously variants so either a "Super User" is overstepping their role (wow, shocking! I'm having the same issue on Discogs right now) or Nickel Brook is doing it, which would be interesting to know due to it being governmental I would assume.
I appreciate your comment on the ticket in support. "Peter Epp" made it pretty clear that he did this of his own volition (though isn't really being clear about why). I was contacted by Greg (co-founder) and he said (paraphrasing) that they will contact the brewery and let them decide. Bit silly to bother them with it, but it's something.

For what it's worth, I did a side-by-side of these yesterday, and there's no contest. They aren't even remotely the same beer (I did it blind and it was night and day).

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Post by CraftBeerJones »

Unfortunately moderators have the responsibility of trying to keep order, (all are unpaid volunteers), and Greg A leans on them to provide all the back end support they are capable of; otherwise untappd likely wouldn't exist, or be as functional as it is....(BTW, i agree it should be listed as a different beer). But there are certain protocols that dictate, like what does the label say? In this case I was present when the brewer and the untappd moderator discussed this point, and it came with Nickel brooks full blessing.

The term overstepped is inaccurate because this is one of their prime responsibilities (merging beers), among many other things. I think we could have quite a discussion about untappd as a whole, and upcoming potential changes :) ...(God bless Untappd).

BTW, bigger news in that the beer is also being shipped to the US (Michigan - 20 cases, upstate NY soon) for a test distribution, that's why they brewed it back in Burlington under more comfortable circumstances, probably used old labels and bottles as a result of the small batch (cannery is in Hamilton). Those big kettles are making a difference so far, as we have all noticed.

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Post by instantkamera »

From: Greg Avola (Support staff)

Hi all,

Sorry for the long delay - we have heard from the brewer and they confirmed
that the beers should be listed differently, because they are new beers.

The merges have been reversed on both beers. Sorry about that!


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