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The people who just don't know.

Post by SteelbackGuy »

On Saturday evening, I was in the LCBO in Aurora. I was perusing the beers and got excited when I saw hockley dark, so I immediately grabbed a can. While doing this, I said aloud to my girlfriend, "hey they've got the dark, awesome"

And then some guy come over and starts talking so I could hear him. he said to his wife......

" All of these f'n microbreweries are a crock of S#$@. They undercut the guys like labatt, molson, and create lay offs." Then he blabbed on about how microbrewries are the reason for the labatt lay off in Toronto, and that people like all of us here should be ashamed because we buy beer that does not stimulate the economy.......

I remind this guy that craft brews are usually more expensive, and it is the mega brewers who undercut eachother. Lakeport, labatt, molson are all over these buck a beer phase. Not Scotch Irish, not Hockley, not King, just to name a few. In fact, a 6 pack of King Pilsner or La fun du monde, or whatever, will run you more than a 6 of bohemian or lakeport honey or whatever. So where does this guy get off talking like this..... I wanted to go on a rampage, but I kept quiet.

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Post by Andicus »

That's too funny! Was the beer adjacent to the aisle with Baby Duck and other related crap?

Ah well, you know the saying, "Never argue with a fool..."

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Post by Belgian »

SteelbackGuy wrote:And then some guy come over......

"All of these f'n microbreweries... undercut the guys like labatt, molson, and create lay offs (and are the reason for the labatt lay off in Toronto.)"

and that people like all of us here should be ashamed because we buy beer that does not stimulate the economy.......
This man just inspired the term "Beertard"

So Mr. Beertard, weak-minded sap that he is, supports the politics and games giving mega-brewers the hand over the little guys, while all these micros are just pouring their heart and soul into surviving and keeping their vision.

And this is supposed to be a free country, where you can have a good idea and be your own man in business, and earn your own success. Everyone has a right, has a chance.

Sounds like our spoiler Mr. Beertard (or someone he knows) got the shite end of the stick, and found that the Big Company he was so loyal to did not in the end love him back, or give even a kiss on the cheek. So off he goes to blame his woes, like all his kind.

I feel awful for anyone out of work, yet if Beertard wants to motivate others' buying decisions with feeble, irrelevant socialist notions (and very selective ones at that) well 'sorry pal, wrong society to live in.' It's too bad this guy doesn't understand that EVERY beer was a Micro for most of history. THAT is probably the best humoring you could offer, even if it draws a blank look.
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Post by DukeofYork = Richard »

The main point, I think, is that the microbreweries don't hurt Labatt and Molson ... they shoot themselves in the foot on their own (Marca Bavaria anyone?).

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Post by Josh Oakes »

I think our economics professor was probably misquoted. What he meant was "Discount brewers cause layoffs in the advertising industry. If it wasn't for Lakeport, Ammatti Puris would still be a going concern."

But hey, if he thinks ten bucks a case as a non-taxable charitable donation to Toronto's advertising industry is a fair deal, he's not alone. Thankfully, there's 10-15% of beer drinkers out there who realize that if you are going to pay more, you should get better. Otherwise, buy the cheapest beer in the store.

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Post by PRMason »

I feel bad that I am responsile for the closure of the ImBev plant in Toronto and for the resulting job loss. :oops: I guess that it should stand to reason that the volume of beer brewed there will be transfeered over to Sgt. Major's IPA or Major Misconduct, with the resulting profits following suit. Man, I can hear my bank manager (and my wife!) shrieking with glee already. :P

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Post by JerCraigs »

You don't think it has anything to do with the Big Two pushing Heineken and Stella and Corona instead of Blue and Canadian do you? Hmmm...

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Post by pootz »

How sad for you Steelback, you are another rational person who had to endure contact with a native variety called "fatheadus Canadianus". The scary part isn't that they drink...it's that they vote.

I'm sure contact with rational people and a few real beers will cure the effect :wink:
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Post by borderline_alcoholic »

PRMason wrote:I feel bad that I am responsile for the closure of the ImBev plant in Toronto and for the resulting job loss. :oops: I guess that it should stand to reason that the volume of beer brewed there will be transfeered over to Sgt. Major's IPA or Major Misconduct, with the resulting profits following suit. Man, I can hear my bank manager (and my wife!) shrieking with glee already. :P
You have my condolences.

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Post by shintriad »

Wow. "Beertard" is right.

How is supporting a micro cutting into any of Big Swill's profit? Micros aren't in competition with Molbatt's because their clientele would never drink that crap to begin with. The guy might as well have been railing against wine, or the insidious scourge of rye and ginger.

I only WISH we had the power to bankrupt the macros! Let's spread the wealth a little more!

Too bad you didn't break a bottle (of Blue Light, natch) over dude's face. I know, it's not the Canadian way -- but what a jerk.

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Post by TerryW »

Fellow probably thinks McDonald's is fine dining and doesn't understand anything past the missionary position. Oh well. It's his life, not mine.

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Post by PRMason »

There's something other than the missionary position? :o When you're married with children, you spend a lot of time praying for it.

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Post by burgermeister »

Finally saw and advert for LakeShore Creek Lager - self proclaimed "Damn Good Beer" for $25 bucks. These may be the guys that the Beertard above was actually referring to. Did a little reading then recalled that I think there had been some discussion about these guys on the board a few months back. These guys are a contract brewer who are trying to pass themselves and their product off as Premium Canadian Lager for cheap. Seems the actual beer is brewed in the Wisconson (sp?) and shipped up which would probably make it cheap American Swill being hocked as "Premium" Canadian lager.

From some of the reading I've done since, it seems that the majors - Labatt in particular - are doing a fair bit of whining about these guys, their tactics, and their effect on local beer prices. Could be the guy mentioned above worked for or was somehow connected to Labatt and has lumped all micro products into the LakeShore Creek category.

Also shows to go ya what a little bit of advertising can do. Fairly poorly produced TV spots with a simple hook "Damn Good Beer" and the generally gullable beer drinking public are lapping it up. The members of the OCB need to take note.


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Post by PRMason »

The member of the OCB need to make money first :x
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Post by burgermeister »

Appreciate the predicament Perry, but the public won't start buying things they don't know exist. The OCB will no doubt help raise general awareness which is great. But the products got to get in bottles, be accessible, and the public has to have at least heard of the product if they're going to take a stab at it.

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