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Bar Towel Beer Trip - UPDATE!

Discuss beer or anything else that comes to mind in here.

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Post by Cass »

I bet everybody thought this had faded away - but no! With the help of a friend in the industry, we've been able to get some solid facts about organizing a trip.

We've sourced a bus that we could rent for one day for $500, for a Oakville/Burlington/Hamilton trip. The bus could hold 45 people, so the approximate costs would be as follows:

45 : $11
30 : $16
25 : $20
20 : $25

You get the idea. The bus would pick us up at Union Station at 2pm, and drop us back downtown at 9pm.

Possible itinerary would include:

1. Cameron's Brewery
2. Black Oak
3. Another brewery, maybe Trafalgar, Credit or Robinson if we want
4. Late lunch at the Pepperwood Bistro (remember DAN-D-MAN said that Paul would host a Bartowel party)
5. Winking Judge
6. Maybe another Hamilton bar (Thirsty Cactus was mentioned)
7. Back to Toronto, those left could always head to Joe's

Obviously getting the breweries involved would hopefully eliminate any cost for visiting them and sampling. So other costs would really only be at the Pepperwood and the Judge. And if we get lots of people together, maybe we can work something out with them.

Some questions:

- Are you interested in this, as far as cost and itinerary?
- If so, can you provide available Saturdays (I think this would be the best day) over the next couple of months?

The bus company is obviously filling up quickly for summer Saturdays, so if we want to do this we should act quickly.

Considering the turnout at the first Bar Towel party, and the growth we've had recently, we should be able to get enough folks to make this cost-efficient, and I think it would be a great time!

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Post by GregClow »

I'd definately be interested in this.

As for dates, the only Saturdays that I currently have booked for other things over the next couple of months would be April 26th (which is the same day as the Judge's beer fest, anyway), May 31st (maybe), June 7th (maybe) and June 14th. Any other Saturday should work for me.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: GregClow on 2003-04-02 11:29 ]</font>

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Post by Gunny »

Sounds like a good trip. Depending on the weekend, I would be willing to train it to Hogtown and take the bus back to Steeltown stopping at points between. Although I can walk home from the Thirsty Cactus, I wouldn't recommend it if good beer selection is on your mind. If I remember correctly from my last visit, Black Oak Pale and perhaps Nut Brown were on tap. I think we would be better off to make arrangements for dinner with Al at the "Judge" and have him whip up a culinary delight. I would be willing to finish my evening at the "Judge". Les autres?


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Post by Cass »

OK, some updates to my post.

I think it would be best to have this in April or May for two reasons:

- The bus company is booked up for the peak summer months already
- The breweries (BO, Cam's) have small staffs, and will be tied up with shows and things during the summer.

So, revised question: are we interested in this if it happens this month or next? Realistically if not, it won't be until fall. Even if we get another bus, the brewery guys won't be around during the summer.

It's too bad we can't do this on the Judge fest weekend - they're already sold out, right? Maybe on April 19th or May 3rd?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cass on 2003-04-02 12:46 ]</font>

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Post by GregClow »

On 2003-04-02 12:26, Gunny wrote:
I think we would be better off to make arrangements for dinner with Al at the "Judge" and have him whip up a culinary delight. I would be willing to finish my evening at the "Judge". Les autres?
Based on the preliminary schedule that Cass posted above, we won't be leaving Toronto until 2 PM, and will be visiting a couple of breweries before hitting the Pepperwood. So despite Cass's reference to it being a "late lunch", it sounds to me more like an early dinner at the Pepperwood, followed by post-dinner drinking at the Judge.

And I guess those interested in a group lunch could always meet at C'est What or the Bier Markt at noon for some food and a drink or two before catching the bus at Union.


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Post by GregClow »

April 19th or May 3rd would both work for me.

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Post by Zymurgy »

I'm in and can probably drag out a few more bodies. Any weekend in May is good for me, April is full. How about Chester's in place of the Thirsty Castus for the last Steeltown stop?


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Post by joey_capps »

April might be difficult due to religious obligations: Easter (April 21) & Judge's Beerfest (April 26). Any weekend in May is good for me except perhaps the Victoria Day weekend (May 17-19).

I like the itinerary, though I too would suggest Chester's over The Thirsty Cactus. They have recently updated their beer menu and they have some interesting stuff (Thomas Hardy 93, Buffalo Bill's Alimony Ale, Old Peculier off the top of my head).

I might also suggest that unless we can arrange something with Pepperwood that we don't eat there. It might be pricey. The last time my wife and I ate there it came out to over $100 for the two of us (one beer and one glass of wine). Not that it wasn't worth it. Just another consideration.

Sounds like a great time though. I'll do my best to be there.

Cheers, Joe.

P.S. We don't want to tour Lakeport?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: jcappadocia on 2003-04-02 15:52 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: jcappadocia on 2003-04-02 15:53 ]</font>

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Post by Cass »

Hmmm...maybe May 3rd or 10th? This won't interfere with Victoria day or the Judgefest.

My only thought about eating at the Pepperwood was that after two brewery tours, we may need a snack :smile: Also, I didn't know if the Judge served food. Perhaps we can have some finger foods at Pepperwood and a meal at the Judge?

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Post by joey_capps »

I like that idea Cass. The Judge is pub grub, but it's good pub grub. Either date is good for me. And, I'll be up to whatever you plan.

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Post by GregClow »

On 2003-04-02 15:52, jcappadocia wrote:
I might also suggest that unless we can arrange something with Pepperwood that we don't eat there. It might be pricey.
If we have enough people on the trip, I'm sure the Pepperwood would be happy to put together some trays of snacks or a small meal at a reasonable per-person price. Many restaurants will do that for groups, and the owner has already expressed interest in hosting a Bar Towel gathering.

As for the dates - both May 3rd or May 10th are fine.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: GregClow on 2003-04-02 17:00 ]</font>

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Post by Gunny »

May 3rd or 10th sounds good. I'm sure I can drag out a rube or two myself. Chester's to finish the night sounds "spot on".


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Post by scott097 »

I'm good for any weekend in May (except the long weekend, but I'm guessing you can't get a bus for that time anyways)... I know I'm new here, but one of my friends "Beerkitt'n" would probably come too... and I could probably get one more, if you'll have me:)
I've talked to her (Beerkitt'n) about going on a road trip for a week this summer, going to Guelph, Neustadt, Creemore, and so on, just for the sake of fueling my love for Ontario Micros.
It's mostly my fault she's a beer snob now, so I might as well drag her along:)
Count me in! The more the merrier!

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Post by joey_capps »

I'm sure I speak for Cass when I say everyone is welcome on this trip . . . well except maybe . . . no even him. I'd especially encourage you lurkers to come out. This site is not just for those of use who can't keep our fingers silent. Everyone I've met from the Bartowel has been extremely nice and not at all scary. Don't think any of us have killed anyone recently.

Cheers, Joe.

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Post by GregClow »

On 2003-04-02 21:15, jcappadocia wrote:

Don't think any of us have killed anyone recently.
No, not *recently*... :wink:


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