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Deadline fast approaching
I was thinking of stocking up on a nice saison, like Saison Dupont (I know, not Ontario...but it's on sale) or Saison de la Meuse.
Then I realized I have too much beer to drink already, so no stockpiling for me.
This growler talk reminds me I was going to take advantage of the Rhino growler deal, but remembered the annoying "must buy food" part. https://www.therhino.ca/draft Rhino Growler Takeout 32oz! Order draught to go – introducing the Rhino Growler Takeout 32oz! Get a 32oz to-go for the price...
College Volo has a mini Tilquin feature starting February 1st. All kegged stuff, which, in my experience, sometimes lacks versus their bottles. I had the white peach in Aylmer and it was excellent. Abricot (Lambic W. Apricots) Clémentine (Lambic W. Clementines) Gueuze (Lambic Gueuze) Kriek De Schar...
100 Acres is a cool spot. Indoors was cozy and nice, but outdoors was vast, you can just stroll around while having your beer. Beers were solid, especially the double ipa, Painted. I quite liked their table beer too...cant remember the name of it. Go visit the new Canoe Museum in Peterborough and th...
Saw these ones at Dundas and Jane LCBO today, and grabbed one of most of them: 16133 Zundert 10 330 17767 Schneider Aventinus Eisbock 330 27997 Gouden Carolus Christmas Beer 330 97469 Samichlaus 330 572081 Founders Breakfast Stout 355 244376 Porter Baltique 750 They may have had some of the other Wi...
I ordered 3 of their different beers from Mother India for to-go orders, when they were on Queen St W. They've had them there for a few years. Never saw them anywhere else other than Indian restaurants. Funny though, I only ever got the Asura (Premium pale Ale), even though I tried ordering the stro...
Relative to other comparable stouts I've had recently, the Double Tempest was quite good.
It's not exactly boozy, big and bold, but has some nice flavour depth. Better than Kentucky Bastard or Zombie Apocalypse, IMO.
They were putting the Porter Baltique on the shelf when I was in Toronto at the store on Bloor Street near Bay. I still cannot call this one up on the website either by name or item number. I took the employee's advice and bought two. Nice one, I haven't seen it in stores near me, and it is not on ...
Sad news for sure. I'll admit it was always a bit too cerebral and industry focused to ever want to seek it out, but it was enjoyable enough to read when free copies were provided. Of all the lost craft beer resources (print or websites) in recent years I miss Canadian Beer News most, it was one tha...
Oh nice. I have only had Just the Haze once now, but a lot of people think it's a top NA beer. Blood Brothers has a new one out - a cherry, peach sour. If you liked their other sour NA beers you'll like this one for sure. Haven't been able to try any of the new ones on offer from Cowbell, Forked Riv...