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U.S shutdown

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U.S shutdown

Post by screw2000 »

I did not know of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau before today.

http://www.thestar.com/business/economy ... gover.html

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Post by saints_gambit »

I got in a little trouble for my opinion on this on twitter.

They're claiming that the ~15 day shutdown will cause them some difficulty, and it certainly will. It might triple that amount of time. The 15 days (so far) will almost certainly turn into a large backlog.

But that assumes that the tax and trade bureau is already operating like a well oiled machine. There's already a 75 day waiting period for paperwork. If there's one thing the lobbying arm of the BA should take away from this it's that the industry could be vastly improved by increasing the funding and personnel level at this bottleneck. If you're having to file your seasonal labels six months in advance in order to guarantee your ship date, you're gonna have a bad time.

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