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beerstodiscover wrote:I can't imagine Unibroue making anything less than great for their 25th.
Well I couldn't imagine it, but now I know better. This beer is undrinkable. I can't even recall the last beer I drain poured, but I couldn't get through 10 oz. of this. It tastes like cherry Halls with a bitter kick. Quite a let down.
Admittedly the description sounded odd. The lack of listed ingredients made me suspicious. But I bought it based on the brewery's reputation. Sorry to anyone he heeded my call and bought this!
I enjoyed it, but was underwhelmed coming in with higher expectations. Cherry felt a bit synthetic (to be fair, not the biggest cherry-flavour fan), and profile was a bit harsher than I would've expected. My brother said it tasted like chocolate, and my mom said chocolate and fruit. I'm guessing it's just unbalanced, and needs 6mo-1yr on it to mellow out.
People need to stop brewing beer with cherries. It's by far the worst fruit to use. I, as well as so many other people I've talked to about it agree... the vast majority of the time your beer just ends up tasting medicinal. Like Halls, as the person said above... or just cherry flavoured cold medicine. Unless your beer is a sour... keep cherries the hell out of there.
I haven't sampled too many cherry beers but Bellwoods 3MTM is one of my favourite all time stouts. I thought the raspberry version entered cough medicine territory. TDD's Le Coq also has a nice sweet cherry pie flavour. Seeing some reviews, seems a lot of people liked the Unibroue 25e.
Blasphomet wrote:People need to stop brewing beer with cherries. It's by far the worst fruit to use. I, as well as so many other people I've talked to about it agree... the vast majority of the time your beer just ends up tasting medicinal. Like Halls, as the person said above... or just cherry flavoured cold medicine. Unless your beer is a sour... keep cherries the hell out of there.
I enjoy almost any cherry beer. But agree it can go awfully wrong a lot of the time! no risk, no reward....when done right, cherry beers of any style are beautiful. Now if we can stop people from using guava....bleh.
I had a nearly four-year-old Quelque Chose in 2010, it was a gorgeous beast. The bottle almost opened itself, so much pressure and little carbonation but the blooming cherry flavours and tartness were wonderful. I assume that retired Unibroue beer is not profitable.
Belgian wrote:I had a nearly four-year-old Quelque Chose in 2010, it was a gorgeous beast. The bottle almost opened itself, so much pressure and little carbonation but the blooming cherry flavours and tartness were wonderful. I assume that retired Unibroue beer is not profitable.
no...it has to do with the cherries provided. think it was Lindemans and it was a blend of cherry beer with a Unibrou beer. they're now owned by other larger breweries and i was told that the relationship was severed shortly after their acquisitions .
I not so secretly love Mort Subite kriek, even though people shun it for tasting medicinal. I'm really bummed that it disappeared from the LCBO a couple years ago, even though it was really creeping up in price by the end of its run.
Can't the LCBO just give us one decent kriek year round?