Looking for the original Bar Towel blog? You can find it at www.thebartowel.com.
We have a trivia question in order to register to prevent bots. If you have any issues with answering, contact us at cass@bartowel.com for help.
Introducing Light Mode! If you would like a Bar Towel social experience that isn't the traditional blue, you can now select Light Mode. Go to the User Control Panel and then Board Preferences, and select "Day Drinking" (Light Mode) from the My Board Style drop-down menu. You can always switch back to "Night Drinking" (Dark Mode). Enjoy!
Saw this story on CBN about Lake of the Woods aging a beer by actually putting in the lake "for six months under 20 feet of ice in water with temperatures ranging between 4° and 10° Celsius".
I hope they don't have the same problem this cheese maker did many years ago (link).