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Wiki Software Suggestions?

Discuss beer or anything else that comes to mind in here.

Moderators: Craig, Cass

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Wiki Software Suggestions?

Post by Cass »

OK, now that the party is done for the year I would like to focus on something that has long bothered me - the content of the site. Greg has done a great job maintaining the news section and the forum is obviously very active, but most of the content of the site consists of my old beer articles. Great to read for history's sake (like the Denison's article) but not terribly relevant.

I would love to put into place some system whereby users could create articles about the breweries, pubs, etc., not entirely dissimilar to wikipedia.

Does anyone have any suggestions of software I could look at that could do this? I'm not a tech person so something that would be easy to implement would be ideal. And any help that could be offered would be certainly appreciated. :-)

I think the next step for the site is to bring the content up so it is truly a local beer resource about the pubs, breweries and beers where the content is contributed to by everyone who would like to help.

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Post by antirealist »

I use PmWiki on a hosted server for my own purposes. It was very easy to set up and customize, and there seems to be quite good support from the author and community (though I haven't needed it). It's free and flat file based, so you don't have to fiddle with MySQL.

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Post by jkubik »

Media Wiki is my preference.
see examples at : www.heinous.org or www.wikipedia.com

I'm a geek, but i've found installing mediawiki up to be very easy (find the How-to for your OS, and follow it).

In fact, depending on how your server is setup, I could probably help you do it.

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