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"Landsman" Pale Ale at the Yellowbelly

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"Landsman" Pale Ale at the Yellowbelly

Post by Cagiva650 »

The Yellowbelly has a new seasonal on tap. "Landsman Pale Ale". I had a sneak preview taste earlier this week, straight from the finishing tank. :D
I'm told its an English style PA (I haven't had enough of that type to judge). It certainly not an American hop bomb but is 41 ibu with a lovely balanced character, a nice hop finish. Smooth low carbonation but full body. A great session beer, just beware of the 6%. I'm hoping to drink a lot of these :wink:
Only on tap at the Yellowbelly. No bottles of this.


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Post by Ralphus »

I will be returning to NF for a wedding this summer and I'm looking forward to checking out yellow belly.

What's funny though, and maybe you can comment on this, is that my best man was recently visiting from St. John's. He tells me that India (the Molson localized NF macro lager) is very popular these days, particularly with what he referred to as the "artsy crowd". They apparently believe, as did he and his friends, that it's an india pale ale. Now I think India hit the shelves when I was in my late teens and for a while it was my brand of choice, but that was a long time ago and I'm very surprised to hear it's still brewed, let alone, gained a resurgence.

I gave him a Corne du Diable to set him straight. He was shell shocked and I probably ruined him from trying any other IPAs in the future, but at the time it seemed worth it.
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