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Half Hours on Earth

Discuss anything and everything about craft brewers from Ontario here.

Moderators: Craig, Cass

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Post by Chris »

From instagram:
Thank you all for your support over the years! Half Hours on Earth will be slowly winding down over the next several months. Might even have enough beer in tanks and barrels to take us to spring. But our last batch was brewed in July, and the last cans packaged in August. The remaining beers will be kegged and delivered (with zero-emissions, of course!) to select bars in the area until the very last drop.

This brewery has been a creative outlet for us for the past six years, and we hope we’ve been able to bring some enjoyment in beer form to you along the way. But it’s time for a new chapter, and we have already begun transitioning to our next projects. As you may have noticed, our ideas and focus have been narrowing in on the environment, and the actions that we can take to help (started by going carbon neutral). We opened an eco-shop two years ago, and have plans for something new on the horizon that we hope will be the most impactful of all. It will require more of our attention going forward, and unfortunately, there’s simply not enough hours in the day.

When we started homebrewing over a decade ago, we were motivated to open a brewery and help be a part of the rapidly changing Ontario craft beer landscape, and add to it in any way we could. Years ago, we’d have never imagined the variety available today, the creativity, the number of bottle shops, small breweries and taprooms. It’s been great to see. But today, we have that same sense of urgency to do whatever we can for the future of our planet.

As we do have some time left to go, we thought we’d start listing our parts and equipment for any homebrewers or small start-up breweries, and part it all out until the brewery comes to a close. On our website, you’ll find a Garage Sale section with the first lot of items. More will be available in time as equipment becomes out of use. Be sure to add on a few of the last cans and bottles available, and feel free to share with any homebrewer friends, or anyone looking to start a brewery.

Thanks again for all those who made the trip out to our tiny little town of Seaforth, and for those who supported Ontario’s first online beer shop from across the province!

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Post by northyorksammy »

Goodbye tour with collaborations
Reliable Beer Critic

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