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ISO spots in Salzburg

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ISO spots in Salzburg

Post by GreatCop »

So I'm pretty sure I'm going to Salzburg for at least a couple days in August.
Anyone been there? Any must-visit bars or breweries?

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Post by lister »

Granted this was back in 2013, I had only a day there, got hailed on (ouch!) and it was a public holiday (doh!) but there was only one place I wanted to go to http://www.dieweisse.at/de/ but it was closed.

Ratebeer mentions a bunch more places. They either presumably didn't exist then or weren't in an immediate walkable distance or I didn't find them interesting. I did scour Ratebeer for beer places for all the places we visited.

I did duck into an Irish pub during the hail & rain storm which had a Swedish English speaking bartender and I discovered Andrew Jackson Jihad's People II: The Reckoning being played while losing communications with the rest of my party due to my phone plan running out of $$$ without my knowing. Very weird day.

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