I did it!!!! I have tried every brewery in Ontario that was open prior to 2022!
On my list I have 374 currently opened, confirmed breweries (not including subsidiary and second locations).
I have tried 364 of those, and there are 10 that opened since 2022 that I have not tried (with some question marks as to how many of those are actually new brick and mortar breweries).
Some numbers for anyone that cares:
494 Breweries on my list - Total Including closed, pending / potential / rumoured but doesn't include breweries that closed before I started the list.
486 Breweries On my list - Confirmed
418 Breweries Open, including subsidiaries and second locations
374 Breweries Open, NOT including subsidiaries and second locations
364 Unique Breweries I have tried - Currently Open
409 Unique Breweries I have tried - Including ones that have closed
10 Breweries I have not yet tried (2 may be contract breweries TBC, 1 which I technically tried as a previous iteration.)
275 Total Breweries Visited - including subsidiaries and second locations
261 Unique Breweries Visited - Not including subsidiaries and second locations
301 Total Breweries Visited Including locations that have closed. subsidiaries, and second locations
103 Breweries that I have not visited.
132 Breweries that I have not visited. Including secondary locations
108 Total Contract breweries on my list
72 Currently Open Contract breweries on my list
24 Currently Open Contract breweries on my list - Tried
43 Total Contract breweries on my list - Tried
Some day I may update the list to count breweries that pre-dated my list to get some true totals, but for now this was fun.
Shout out to Jordan St. John who put up with my pestering him with questions about his list every time he updated it