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What're you brewing right now?

Post your own tasty recipes or homebrewing advice here.

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Post by mahcinesquad »

Made a saison with Escarpment Old World Saison blend and sorachi ace for hopping on Saturday.

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Post by Swampale »

Brewing a Kolsch with Wyeast 2565 with the exact same recipe as my Pilsner. Just a simple experiment to see how different they taste. The reason for doing this is the last time I made a Kolsch, it took longer to make than my Pils did.

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Post by lister »

Caramel Apple Amber ale.

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Post by atomeyes »

a tripel with the De Dolle yeast

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Post by lister »

The first of my New Zealand and Australian single hop pale ale focus this summer, NZ Orbit pale ale.

I had Junctions Orbit beer earlier this year and it was fantastic! It had a really nice orangey aroma and flavour to it. I'm hoping to replicate that.

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Post by ritzkiss »

Kicked off brewing for the year with a simple all Simcoe IPA. Missed a few targets, have to dial things in again, but nice to get out on a beautiful evening and brew!

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Post by J343MY »

Just finished brewing an all galaxy hopped double IPA. I had a little bit of hibiscus left over from some previous beers, so I decided to add that also. Could be pretty awesome.

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Post by atomeyes »

my last beer before i move to belgium for june.
a tripel. appropriate, i think

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Post by zaireeka »

Does someone here have a watermelon wheat beer recipe that involves reducing the watermelon juice? I recently came across such a recipe but cant seem to remember where.

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Post by mahcinesquad »

On Saturday I brewed my first attempt at a quad.

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Post by J343MY »

I brewed a fairly simple saison today. The plan is to add some fruit (probably strawberries, or raspberries) when they are ready locally. I used my saison yeast blend that i have been repitching over the past year and a half. Lately it has been souring quite aggressively. Should make for a pretty awesome beer.

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Post by AugustusRex »

I am going to brew my second batch of homebrew in the next few weeks. I want to brew one gallon of pilsner using Budvar yeast, saaz or spalt, and either pilsner or marris otter malt. I doubt It'll turn out great but I am thinking that trying to brew a small batch of clean lager will give me an idea of what I have done wrong. I have a small beer fridge that I can use for lagering.

Any idea whether marris otter or pilsner malt is a better idea? Should I use a combination of the two?

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Post by icemachine »

Pilsner malt, but do a 90 minute boil
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Post by ercousin »

Brewed a rendition of the Milk the Funk Gose for GTA Brews to be served at the Great Canadian Homebrew Conference in Toronto June 20th.
GTA Brews - Toronto's Homebrew Club - http://www.gtabrews.ca/

Eric's Brewing Blog - Advanced Homebrewing for the Intermediate Brewer - http://www.ericbrews.com/

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Post by grub »

zaireeka wrote:Does someone here have a watermelon wheat beer recipe that involves reducing the watermelon juice? I recently came across such a recipe but cant seem to remember where.
I recommend against reducing watermelon juice. I brewed with it a few years back and figured that the sugar content would be low, so figured i'd want to boil it down to concentrate that and the flavour. started by dicing up the watermelon, removing seeds, and mashing it all, then pushing through a wire mesh strainer to get most juice with little solid matter. the result was sweeter than i expected and had a great watermelon character. But since I had already planned/prepped for reducing it, I continued down that path - more sugar, smaller volume, and more concentrated watermelon flavour all sounded like good things. however, once it reached a boil, there was a quick and very pronounced change - the colour turned more orangey and the flavour/aroma became distinctly non-watermelony. this non-watermelon character carried through to the finished product and I didn't like it at all.

Were I to do it again, I'd probably try to carefully bring a small amount up to pasteurization temp and see if it was still "good" before doing the whole batch. worst case I'd skip this step and throw it into secondary and live with a bit of funk if it came up.
@grubextrapolate // @biergotter // http://biergotter.org/

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