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"Beer Wars" Screening in Vancouver

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Jon Walker
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"Beer Wars" Screening in Vancouver

Post by Jon Walker »


Not sure who is going to be out here in YVR at the end of the month...but I thought I'd let you know about a GREAT event. CAMRA BC is hosting a screening of "Beer Wars" on Sunday the 31st of January. Tickets are $30 but they include all beer for the event. Despite what is advertised I have it on VERY good authority that Stone are actually providing the beer for the event...up to 12 different Stone beers will be available including rare and one off beers. It's a beer geeks paradise. So if you are going to be in town I strongly suggest visiting the following link since tickets are limited;

See you there!
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Jon Walker
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Post by Jon Walker »

It WAS a great event last night! Terrific venue for both the screening and the sampling. Sadly they were only pouring Stone Arrogant Bastard and Ruination (yeah, I know...cry me a river)despite rumours they would have VE 08 and this year's Anniversary. There were also a large number of really decent local offerings from R&B, Red Truck, Steamworks, Driftwood, Granville Island and a couple other I'm f orgetting.

For those who haven't seen the film it's well made and entertaining...but for the beer geek it's really nothing you didn't already know. It does refresh the mind though regarding how cool some craft brewers are and how hard they fight in the noble cause to promote better beer. Sam from Dogfish Head comes across particularly well.

Greg Koch from Stone was onhand to talk about both Beer Wars and Stone's own doc "A Stone Skips across the Pond" which screened after the intermission but was aborted after it froze twice half way through. Greg is a witty guy, funny story teller...and VERY full of himself. It's perfect that their flagship beer is Arrogant Bastard. Greg was treated somewhat like a rockstar and you could tell he's used to that and quite invested in it. Though he was approachable and would answer questions he also seemed, to me, bored and above most of those who were taking turns having their audience with beer royalty. Granted, some of the sycophants were well on their way to Hammered. Regardless, I've met major Hollywood stars with less ego. Too bad, but I guess with beer as good as his he doesn't have to personally give a crap whether he's genial or humble. Apparently some of the CAMRA BC guys were bitching that they took him for drinks the night before and he left less than a stellar impression.

What I can report is that Greg feels the time is near for opening up Canada as a market for Stone. There is one U.S. state he mentioned (forget which) that he said would cut his throat if he didn't get Stone to them next, but the plan seems to be to distribute up here in 2011. By "here" he indicated BC first, then elsewhere later. I mentioned Volo's sampling this month but he seemed disinterested in the topic so I left it alone. I'm guessing those in attendence will not be "graced" by his presence...and Ralph, if you were planning on bringing him up for it...DON'T (IMHO). The Stone doc leaves a much better impression of him and would serve you better.

I will hopefully be in Toronto for the Volo event depending on the date picked. I'll bring the doc with me (Greg even autographed it!!!!...even though I didn't ask him to!). Hilarious.
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Post by Bobsy »

Thanks for the report. Beer Wars is a damn good doc, though I feel it would be better if the director took more of a back seat (at times she came over as very irritating). Jon, if you get the time, the Stone Skips Over the Pond short docs are pretty decent, and worth a watch. They're on vimeo.

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