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Sexism in beer labels in Ontario

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Post by Blasphomet »

Belgian wrote:
S M A wrote:Perhaps all those who wanted the scantily clad women removed from the labels will support them now...
Maybe they will! Or maybe just go off to protest something else? I don't think Leftist SJWs necessarily put their money where their mouth is.
They don't, because they don't have any, because they don't want to work hard for it.

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Post by nickw »

Blasphomet wrote:
Belgian wrote:
S M A wrote:Perhaps all those who wanted the scantily clad women removed from the labels will support them now...
Maybe they will! Or maybe just go off to protest something else? I don't think Leftist SJWs necessarily put their money where their mouth is.
They don't, because they don't have any, because they don't want to work hard for it.
Lol. :roll:

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Post by seangm »

Blasphomet wrote:Lol at fucking terms like edgelord and neckbearding. Lol 2018.
Lol at terms like leftist SJWs, snowflakes, safe spaces, lazy and flawed arguments about millenials not wanting to work or having jobs/money. Lol at a brewery perhaps recognizing that beer advertising has historically been sexist and not always approachable to female beer drinkers, so even though it doesn't seem overtly offensive, why not change it to something more neutral? But no, let's not support a brewery because leftist/snowflake/SJW millenial babies have infilitrated the craft beer scene (lol again). What is this, Info Wars?

Maybe I'm overreacting (triggered! lol), but this schtick is just lazy and tired at this point.

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Post by Blasphomet »

I think it's pathetic that anyone could possibly be offended by either can. Any can. A sad state we live in these days. I fear for the children of today and how goddamned confused they are going to be.

It'd be like me being offended by Over My Dad Body, which is probably good to mention since Napalm brought up how GLB created a new can with a lady on it that was just her face. I mean, OMDB is so outrageous I am going to try and shame them into changing the label because double standards are not to exist. The stereotypical lazy, irresponsible buffoon of a father from the can. His children may be running out into traffic while he lazes in that kiddy pool! And why aren't his kids using that pool? They could be burning in the sun getting heat stroke. So selfish of him.

And after all, there are no women in the world who actually enjoy burlesque, perform burlesque, strip, make pornography, work in brothels etc that actually choose that line of work and want to do it. It's nothing but evil men and society objectifying them They are all just doing it because we force them to.

A shame. The hardest people on women are women themselves and *gasp* leftist SJW, and they've struck again, with something so trivial. Trying to shame a brewery and make other people's decisions for them because they are so damn soft.

Sailor Jerry's, you're next. The old fashioned hula lady is too sexy. Oh wait, hipster SJW millennial haven't infiltrated the rum scene yet I guess.

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Post by sprague11 »

I'm only a Soros reference away from a right wing talking points bingo.
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Post by beerstodiscover »

Blasphomet wrote:I fear for the children of today and how goddamned confused they are going to be.
The sky is falling!

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Post by Blasphomet »

sprague11 wrote:I'm only a Soros reference away from a right wing talking points bingo.
Yeah, the Over My Dad Body/Naughty Neighbour and Immodest comparison made to much sense.

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Post by Blasphomet »

beerstodiscover wrote:
Blasphomet wrote:I fear for the children of today and how goddamned confused they are going to be.
The sky is falling!
I'll put on a hard hat.

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Post by nickw »

Blasphomet wrote:
sprague11 wrote:I'm only a Soros reference away from a right wing talking points bingo.
Yeah, the Over My Dad Body/Naughty Neighbour and Immodest comparison made to much sense.
Nah, it was a dumb comparison.

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Post by MatttthewGeorge »

nickw wrote:
Blasphomet wrote:Yeah, the Over My Dad Body/Naughty Neighbour and Immodest comparison made to much sense.
Nah, it was a dumb comparison.
Since I made the same argument about the same two cans months ago, I think the comparison is quite apt.
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Post by MatttthewGeorge »

Here’s what I wrote last May (so more than a few months, lol). Everything I wrote still stands.
MatttthewGeorge wrote:Not to purposefully change the subject (go ahead and continue to bash the Naughty Neighbour can) but what do people think of the GLB Dad Body can?

At first I thought it was funny and the antidote to the female labels, but the more I think about it, isn't it just the same thing as the dumb dad character in every bad sitcom or commercial? Case in point: as I was writing this I was telling my wife about the new GLB beer, and she said, without even knowing of the Canuck can, "well that's just it, women are pinups and men are lumberjacks or oafs". If the definition of sexist is: "relating to or characterized by prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, on the basis of sex" then the new GLB can definitely qualifies.

I, for one, don't really care. It's tiring trying to navigate what's offending who all the time. If something offends you then don't buy it, and feel free to tell others to do the same. However if these conversations ever turn to banning something (they haven't, but if they did) I would be steadfast against that, and would hope those that dislike the Naughty Neighbour et al. cans would be as well.
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Post by nickw »

MatttthewGeorge wrote:Here’s what I wrote last May (so more than a few months, lol). Everything I wrote still stands.
MatttthewGeorge wrote:Not to purposefully change the subject (go ahead and continue to bash the Naughty Neighbour can) but what do people think of the GLB Dad Body can?

At first I thought it was funny and the antidote to the female labels, but the more I think about it, isn't it just the same thing as the dumb dad character in every bad sitcom or commercial? Case in point: as I was writing this I was telling my wife about the new GLB beer, and she said, without even knowing of the Canuck can, "well that's just it, women are pinups and men are lumberjacks or oafs". If the definition of sexist is: "relating to or characterized by prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, on the basis of sex" then the new GLB can definitely qualifies.

I, for one, don't really care. It's tiring trying to navigate what's offending who all the time. If something offends you then don't buy it, and feel free to tell others to do the same. However if these conversations ever turn to banning something (they haven't, but if they did) I would be steadfast against that, and would hope those that dislike the Naughty Neighbour et al. cans would be as well.
Given the historic (and current) imbalances of power that often exist, on a societal level, between men and women, there's a difference and while it's easy to make the comparison as has been done, it's not particularly accurate nor equal.

I won't expect to change guys' viewpoints on feminisim, sexism, oppression, etc on a beer message board, but in the off-chance anyone wants to read where these "triggered SJWs ( :roll: ) are coming from, a couple of good intros to the topic include "Can Men Be Objectified by Women?" and "Why Reverse Oppression Simply Cannot Exist (No Matter What Merriam-Webster Says).

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Post by Napalm Frog »

nickw wrote:
Blasphomet wrote:
sprague11 wrote:I'm only a Soros reference away from a right wing talking points bingo.
Yeah, the Over My Dad Body/Naughty Neighbour and Immodest comparison made to much sense.
Nah, it was a dumb comparison.
Damn it I remember why I hate posting online. I agree, stupid comparison. Naughty Neighbour male equivalent would be a Brad Pitt like masculine character on cans. Think Johnny Canuck on GLB's Canuck Pale Ale, but hyper realized and not with the artsy catoonization. Sure I do agree with the OMDB sentiment, but at least compare apples to apples. Have anyone seen an Over My Mom's Body style can anywhere? Or am I so naive or closeted, and all middle aged women are pinup models?

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Post by darmokandjalad »

nickw wrote:
Given the historic (and current) imbalances of power that often exist, on a societal level, between men and women, there's a difference and while it's easy to make the comparison as has been done, it's not particularly accurate nor equal.
I don't mean to be rude but you're basically attempting to justify a double standard, and double standards are always bullshit.

There might be at least one or two flabby, pasty old white dudes who are insecure enough to be turned off by the Dad Bod can. You might also think their feelings are ridiculous, but that's no different than Blasphomet thinking that the people offended by the NN/Immodest cans are being ridiculous.

Real, actual feminism requires equal treatment for both sexes. Otherwise you're just tilting the scales (which were previously unfairly tilted toward the male side for literally all of human history) towards the female side. If the NN can is offensive enough to be changed, then I don't see why the Dad Bod one isn't. Disclosure: I don't actually care either way, I just feel that what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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Post by BigBob »

Isn’t this the Smashbomb controversy all over again? Someone doesn’t like a label, cries out, “Think of the children!!” and concludes no one else should see it either. I just want to drink my beer in peace.

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