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Revel Cider

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Revel Cider

Post by Craig »

I was surprised when I came looking that we don't have a thread for Revel yet. Revel are the best.

Sadly, it sounds like financially they're not doing great:

I'll admit I don't buy a ton from them, partly because I'm more of a beer than a cider guy and partly because the price point is more like wine than beer. But this stuff drinks more like wine than beer too, so I think that's fair. I put in an order at 10% off, excited to try some of this stuff. I'm going to make a point of getting out to the Guelph tap room at some point soon too.

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Post by distr0 »

Surprising news. They JUST finished construction on the new bar and everything too. I've been meaning to go check it out but I'm not in Guelph much any more.

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Post by anthony9 »

I'll be putting in an order, too. Don't want another high-quality producer to exit.

Cannot say I've ever ordered directly from them, though.

Oh, shoot! BlogTO has an article up about Revel.

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Post by JerCraigs »

Well if BlogTO has the same effect on Revel as they have on cheap but good restaurants, and day hikes "near Toronto" then Revel is about to make big bucks!!! :)

Seriously though, I hope this publicity and attention does help them out.

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Post by anthony9 »

BlogTO is mostly clickbait garbage, but their highlighting (probably sponsored) of small towns that need the money seem to be a good thing. Taking a trip out to Guelph to a fancy ciderie seems like it fits with a chunk of their content.

Some of the hate they get seems to come from the "I hate pineapple on pizza" crowd.

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Post by Tapsucker »

I think I know who either owns or funds Blogto. Every other day there is a post like "Drake just trimmed his toenails", "Drake glanced at a cute puppy", "Drake bought a new scarf" or some other crap like that.

I do like like their call-outs on restaurant infractions though. It's kind of a demented pleasure disguised as public service announcement. :wink:
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