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Post by joey_capps »

It seems we're starting to attract more and more industry participation to this board. Personally, I think that this is a good turn. We are best source for information on good beer in Toronto, and we getting better. So welcome all. Hopefully, one day, every micro-brewer amd beer rep in Ontario will log on, let us know what's going on, and not be afraid to ask our advice.

So what does everyone else think about this?

Cheers, Joe.

PS I feel I should add something about throwing some product and promotional items Cass's way. He's doing a fantastic job here. :wink:

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Post by GregClow »

I think it's great as well. Welcome, all!


tipsy mcstagger
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Post by tipsy mcstagger »

I feel that the inclusion of more beer reps, brewers and other industry folk enriches these forums, educates us consumers more, and let's us see how things work behind the scenes. In return, they can see that there is a large and (spending!) educated splinter group from the "average consumer" who research and discuss the quality products in this country. This symbiotic relationship will strengthen the lines of communication we have to those who get the products on the shelves, in the kettle and on the taps.
Talk about market research!
Welcome all.

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Post by A »

I think its cool too, as long as it doesnt turn into the hard-sell for thier products (which it hasn't so far).

I think hard-core fans of anything react poorly to a hard marketing sell anyways, so I'm glad to see it remains pretty laid back here.

(Or, at the very least, if you are going to push your product it has to be accompanied with an awful slagging of one of your competitors, just to keep things interesting :smile: )

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Post by esprit »

Tipsy, when you refer to the group as "large" I don't think you really appreciate how "small" it is...it is insignificant in the overall scheme of things...we sell a lot of beer through the consignment program and we'd go broke if we had to depend upon bartowellers. The truth is that the number of people who care and appreciate truly good beer in Ontario is tiny but this is a crusade I've been personally involved in for 15 years. There are only 100 or so bartowellers and I'm sure most support the brands we're out there trying to sell in the marketplace but my involvement in the bartowel as someone in the industry has very little to do with making money...in fact, my time would be much better spent doing other things but I love good beer and I love sharing what we're doing with other people even if it is not a money-making proposition.

tipsy mcstagger
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Post by tipsy mcstagger »

I guess my perception of our "large" community is one of wishful thinking and brotherly attachment rather than a concrete consensus on how many of us can single-handedly turn the tide from bland, cardboard tasting brews to fascinating and explosive beverages. Your commitment to your craft and vision is laudatory and we thank you for it. I'm sure there's a lot of us who could do better things with our time (and make more cash doing so!) but it's the passion that counts. Glad to be on the little guys' side.

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