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Post by borderline_alcoholic »

joey_capps wrote:PS May I offer one last piece of advice. Sometimes it's better to quote the cliché "let sleeping dogs lie."
Ah, a nice East-End London expression. There is another, which is still in pretty common usage in that end of the city, "Fuck me about and I'll break your fingers."

Something which Mr Letki seems to have very kindly also not followed.

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Post by Andicus »

And I suppose Josh should be considering legal action against you for stating that he "fled the country" since that implies that he was running away from something?

Re: legal action against Cass, you've got to be kidding? For allowing people to speak without censoring them? You make it sound as though he reads every post before allowing it to appear on the website.

All this legal action BS is getting ridiculous. Are you, by chance, a lawyer?

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Post by borderline_alcoholic »

Andicus wrote:And I suppose Josh should be considering legal action against you for stating that he "fled the country" since that implies that he was running away from something?

Re: legal action against Cass, you've got to be kidding? For allowing people to speak without censoring them? You make it sound as though he reads every post before allowing it to appear on the website.
Yes actually, Cass as publisher is legally responsible for everything on this site (as publisher he is far more liable than the author). And I really do believe that Josh's comments given his level of respect within Toronto within the beer drinking community do carry weight and as such could have a significant impact - if it did then I would unquestionably follow it up were I in Mr Letki's position as a matter of course in protecting my career, especially as I suspect that Mr Oakes' comments are not easily justifiable.

If not, then I would not pursue it in the courts, as it would likely cost more than it is worth. I would probably still send a polite letter to the site's webmaster requesting firmly that the comments be removed.

Unlike us, Mr Letki is in business brewing. As such harmful and unjustifed comments on public fora can do him harm and any unprovable defamation is illegal. As such, I think that he has been extremely generous to just reply to the thread.

Josh is welcome to prosecute me for my comment. As I am in no way harming his career that I can see and it would be hard to see what damages he could claim I doubt it would be worth his effort. But if he wishes to do so, then that is up to him.

PS I do not really believe that Mr Oakes left the Country for fear over these remarks, which as pointed out have been left gathering dust quietly for months.

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Post by GregClow »

borderline_alcoholic wrote: Yes actually, Cass as publisher is legally responsible for everything on this site (he is far more liable than the author).
Do you have any recent legal precedents to back this up?

Not to say that you're completely wrong, but there have been several legal cases regarding the responsibility of ISPs and websites when to comes to the content being served by or through them that went against what you suggest above. For example, the recent court ruling stating that Canadian ISPs bore no responsibility for music files and other copyrighted materials that were being stored or downloaded by their users.

I know that it's not a completely analogous situation, but a good lawyer could probably use it in an argument regarding postings to a public message board such as this one.

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Post by Cass »

Ok, I guess its time for the Bar Towel to move to an offshore haven.

Matthew - welcome to the forum, and I hope you are not offended by what has been said. This forum enjoys the rare priviledge of bringing together beer connoisseurs and the brewing industry. I do what I can to ensure our discussions are open and honest yet respectful.

That being said, there is an obvious tendency to make stronger-worded remarks when it is believed no one is watching.

Remember folks, many people in the Ontario beer industry use this forum, even if they don't post! Let's keep things polite.

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Post by borderline_alcoholic »

GregClow wrote:
borderline_alcoholic wrote: Yes actually, Cass as publisher is legally responsible for everything on this site (he is far more liable than the author).
Do you have any recent legal precedents to back this up?
Not off hand, but I'm sure that I can dig some up again if necessary. Computer Science/Software Development is actually my field and I am quite aware of the legal obligations on websites and the things which you can do. There is now little question that a site author is responsible for any libellous content, however some leniancy is given with the posts of its users for obvious reasons (although again, Canadian law is something which I would have to check, but it does tend to follow the trends set in other Countries albeit not with the same level of dogmatic lunacy as the US).

In reality these things are usually dealt with out of court.

This is different to the ISP examples, which is more about what is just sitting on servers (of which there are obviously too many to actually check for every single file etc) and is far more of a grey area. The same with the space in which this site is stored - if someone managed to upload some files onto that server without any links or anything, Cass would probably not be found liable for them. But, if you own a site, you are completely responsible for its front-end published content as that is easy to look after and see what is happening. In practice, there has been some leniancy given to message boards, as obviously posts are displayed as they come in without the owner's immediate control.

In pursuing this legally, typically the first step is for your legal team to send an official letter requesting the removal of the damaging comments. If this is agreed to, then usually proceedings go no further (indeed I know of no cases where that is not the case so to me that would be a grey area, whether it is in the law or not), if not then it gives the prosecuting side the argument that the site owner is fully aware of the offending text and has refused to remove it, thus neatly removing the ambiguity of the web and bringing in standard publishing and libel laws. Then they just have to prove that the offending text is libellous and show what financial damages their client has incurred due to it.

This is a very old and established section of law which applies to all published works including web-publishing. The only grey area is, as with the ISPs, content that is added without the owner's knowledge, even though by setting up a message board he is giving tacit approval.

Your formal letter requesting the removal of the offending text removes that ambiguity. Obviously, it will not stop posters on the site from sending additional comments, so you might want to request that certain users be banned - but that is a very grey area still, so I am not going to comment on it. Sometimes you will also request that an apology be printed - which is also a very grey area.

Anyway, in court, you as publisher would have to back up the comments of your users/authors with evidence of their claims.

Many such cases generally get handled outside of court - which is why the legal grey areas are still maintained. But this also works to the advantage of the prosecuting side too, as when looking at infringements of grey areas, the courts will consider what is standard practice and if all other sites will comply when officially asked to remove offending text while its legallity is pursued, then the Courts will likely take that as a defacto standard and anything which does not comply with that will just become illegal.

As with most things, you have to fight to maintain your rights and on potentially libellous issues, websites have generally not done so as libel law is actually very strong.
Not to say that you're completely wrong, but there have been several legal cases regarding the responsibility of ISPs and websites when to comes to the content being served by or through them that went against what you suggest above. For example, the recent court ruling stating that Canadian ISPs bore no responsibility for music files and other copyrighted materials that were being stored or downloaded by their users.
As I said the ISPs differ from what appears on the front-end of a site which is being maintained by one owner. There is less to administer and it is far more analogous to other published media and so the same arguments do not readily apply.

The other difference is that with ISPs we are talking about copyrighted material being distributed. Although the MPAA and RIAA would like us all to believe different, Copyright law is actually pretty weak - and is very different to theft, which they seem to keep insisting is the same thing (something of a personal annoyance to me). This would be defamation and libel, which are *MUCH* stronger pieces of legislation and as such are far better at steamrollering through what little remains in the way of grey areas.

Essentially, instead of the case being about whether you are allowed to host the text, that is irrelevant - host away - the case becomes about whether the material which you are knowingly publishing is libellous to someone else and there is no legal ambiguity there - the only ambiguity comes in assessing the damages done to the prosecuting side as and when they win.
I know that it's not a completely analogous situation, but a good lawyer could probably use it in an argument regarding postings to a public message board such as this one.
Which is why you formally ask for the removal of the offending text first. That way they definitely are aware of it, have explicity decided to continue to publish it after your request and standard publishing and libel laws comes fully into play.

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Post by burgermeister »

Cass, think you need to put a maximum word limit on replys! :lol:

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Post by borderline_alcoholic »

Aye, sorry about that.

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Post by GregClow »

Thanks for the informative reply, borderline. You raise some interesting points.

(Most likely moot ones as well, as I suspect that the Reverend probably doesn't have any plans to sue Josh and/or Cass - but still interesting nonetheless.)

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Post by borderline_alcoholic »

GregClow wrote:Thanks for the informative reply, borderline. You raise some interesting points.

(Most likely moot ones as well, as I suspect that the Reverend probably doesn't have any plans to sue Josh and/or Cass - but still interesting nonetheless.)
No, I think it is unlikely that he will either. But I can totally understand why Josh's post upset him and I do not understand why he seemed to receive generally negative comments to his (I thought) extremely reasonable response to it in the circumstances.

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Post by Josh Oakes »

OK, Joey Capps is right - I've been in places where computers are scarce and incredible beers on not.

Mr. Letki has every right to disagree with my assessment, by the way. I have no problem with that. I looked at my post - rather a statement of opinion, not fact. The only fact was that I've never been impressed with Steamwhistle. This is true. They have every right to do what they do and to make piles of money doing it. I don't expect brewmasters who make mediocre beer to be excited, impressed or even the slightest bit happy to hear someone say that their work does not impress. Who would want to hear that? But it is my opinion.

I don't have anything personal against Steamwhistle - I would have launched an extensive tirade if that were the case.

I did, as Joey pointed out, give examples of brewers who impress me. I know Bushy's, Gordon Biersch - pretty much all the brewers Mr. Letki worked for. It's shouldn't be hard to see that what I love in a beer is one thing - not everybody feels the same way I do. If they did, Scotch Irish and Denison's would be the size of Steamwhistle. Mr. Letki and his company have no shortage of fans out there. I'm just not one of them. And I don't have a problem with them not being happy with that.

In other news, there are some mindblowing brewers in northern Lithuania doing things with beer that nobody's even heard of before, let alone tasted (well, among English-speaking beer press). Same day, same place as always.

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Post by Immotius »

Wow, this is one ridiculous thread.

Firstly, welcome Letki! It's always good to have the attention of a brewmaster.

Secondly, anyone who thinks that he can defend these attacks in this venue is stupid. If he said he took the job at SteamWhistle because of the money even though it comes at the expense of excitement, then he would be fired on the spot. I can only speculate, but I strongly suspect he was hired to improve yield, efficiency and consistency while maintaining the current attributes of the product -- something I highly doubt anyone here knows how to do.

Thirdly, obviously SteamWhistle must appeal to a broad clientele, and so they cannot do anything 'great' because 'great' beer is only 'great' for some and not many -- and it tends to be more expensive.

I would like to know if the Reverend (?) is pushing to add some selection to SteamWhistle. And by selection, I don't mean Rickard's mixer pack, but instead something genuine. To me, I think releasing a small batch seasonal to select consumers would probably only serve as a great marketing campaign. But hey, I got my MBA from a non-accredited internet university, so I probably don't know much.

Saying of the day:
Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer. -- Henry Lawson

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Post by bulba »

Does anyone here other than Reverend have a job...or, for that matter, a life?

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Post by Cask »

Rabbit disappears ... Bulba returns.

Bulba writes: "Had dinner at la brasserie with a friend about a month ago...enjoyed it but was disappointed with the Belgian beer selection...where are the Trappists and the other great Belgians we can find at Cafe Brussel, Esplanade and Biermarkt...seems to me if you're going to have Belgian beers you should be serving the best and I found their list to be rather mediocre."

Rabbit writes: "Wow, new awning and umbrella, awesome!!! I poppped in there for lunch for the first time as I had heard about the place a few times and as lover of all things French/Belgian, especially the food, I was hopeful that it would be decent. To be honest, I thought the food was pretty good, reasonably priced for Yorkville. Their Belgian bottled beer list was pretty pathetic...where were the Trappists or even Duvel . How can you sell Belgian beers and not have Duvel and Chimay let alone things like Cantillon??? Looks almost like they went out and bought the Belgian 6 pack available at the LCBO every Xmas and that's about it. Although there were some decent beers there, Smokeless, the Esplanade and Beerbistro aren't going to lose any sleep over these guys. "

Bulba writes: "Hope Amsterdam invests in a new raspberry...the one that KLB was using was getting real tired...just a thought, but they could buy an entire basked of raspberries and then produce something akin to real"

Rabbit writes (to the KLB brewmaster): "you want to be as mainstream as possible yet don't understand why you can't survive when the consumer isn't blown away by your products...KLB Raspberry is one of the worst examples of a fruit beer I have ever tasted bar none so why do you brew this stuff...."

Bulba writes: "will he truly be "uncovering" or just doing the usual round of Oland products, most of which are terribly unexciting...also, what does this "brewmaster" currently brew...seems to me he only talks which would make him a "talkmaster"."

Rabbit writes: "With the exception of bottled Hoegaarden (I say bottled, not draft) there isn't a decent beer in the Oland portfolio but they are one of the few companies that can afford to hire a "brewmaster" who doesn't brew beer, just talks about it, to handle these type of events to hype their mediocre offerings...Bill White is a nice guy but he's simply a pitch man who probably doesn't believe most of what he has to say about his company's products...."

Conclusions, anyone?

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Post by esprit »

Hey, I don't mind it if you figured out I'm related to rabbit but I'm not about to take responsiblity for every *$#hole who's posting on this site so keep me out of this one. After we broke rabbit's fingers this weekend he did get on another Forum using his nose So we broke it too and he's out of commission for a while so you needn't worry about his diatribes. As for bulba, he's all yours boys! (and ladies)

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