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Own A Piece of Black Oak

Discuss beer or anything else that comes to mind in here.

Moderators: Craig, Cass

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Asst. Grain Shoveller
Posts: 147
Joined: Fri Mar 28, 2003 7:00 pm
Location: The Black Oak Brewing Co.

Own A Piece of Black Oak

Post by Asst. Grain Shoveller »

Shameless Marketing Plug :o
Yes you too can own a piece of Black Oak Brewing Co.
Priceless bags of concrete (or clean fill) left over from our plumbing project are now available to you the individual beer enthusiast. What a collectors dream, who cares about labels or crowns when you can have in your personal collection pieces of concrete that had such brewing greats as John, Paul, George (sorry no Ringo), Bruce, Matthew, Michael treading across them whilst they loving craft that oh-so-tasty beer. Think of the carts of beer, the tons of spent grain that would have crossed over these very pieces. Hand bagged by Jeremy in authentic malt bags, this is a limited one time offer. As an extra bonus when picking up your priceless bags of brewing history you can for an additional fee touch the severed drain which caused so much swearing and grief by Ken.
HURRY, HURRY, Run, don't waddle, to your phone with your very high credit limit, credit card in hand. All of our operators are standing by. Remember this is a limited time offer.
For an extra additional fee, Ken will personally sign each bag, denoting its authenticity, and for a further additional fee each bag will be numbered.
Legal note: Swimsuit models not availble with bags of concrete.
Purchaser must have own truck to move the stuff away.
This offer not valid unless your really gullible.
Not responsible for hernias or sneezing fits from concrete dust.

(Sorry I just had to blow off some steam :lol: )

Have a great long weekend.


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Location: Toronto

Post by DougShoemaker »

I think You missed Your calling as a comedy writer.

Good stuff!

Cheers, Doug

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Post by Andicus »

I knew it was too good to be true... :cry:

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Joined: Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:36 pm

Post by pootz »

Sounds great Ken ....next time I'm in for the Nut Cracker growlers, I'll save up a steamer to "Christen" your executive washroom facilities :lol:
Aventinus rules!

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