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Rodenbach Grand Cru

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Rodenbach Grand Cru

Post by tupalev »

"Ummm, I've never done this before."

'Why don't you start with your name and tell us why you're here?"

"O...Ok. My name is Jeff"

(group) "Hello Jeff."

"I am here because, well, I'll just say it, I didn't like a beer the (beer geek) world seems to love - The Rodenbach Grand Cru.

(murmurs and odd gasps through the crowd)

(Jeff continues) "One day I'll tell my grand kids tales of how I anxiously waited for months for signs that the Grand Cru would surface. Rumours floated around about possible sightings in far away places like Woodstock and Ottawa. LCBO stores were called. Other beer lovers stole whatever cases they could find. And then, as if by fate, there it was, on the shelf of a tiny lcbo in the Ukranian Demonstration Village. I brought it home. I waited. I had visions of aging the extra bottle I received, but one was for a special almost end of the week Thursday night garabage reality tv night viewing, where I would let go of the cares of the week sipping on a legendary beer. It started off well enough, the colour was a fantastic ruby read and the sour aroma hit me before the cap was all the way off. This was going to be an intriguing beer."

"But then, something funny happened. Instead of becoming more complex and revealing more intricate flavours, the beer just got more sour. The sourness dominated all else. It is at this point I should mention that while I do not have the sophisticated tastes and experiences of some, I have had, and quite enjoyed this style of beer before (see my rating of Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne on ratebeer). That beer achieved a balance which made it wonderful. This beer I felt did not."

"Jeff, that is very brave of you to say. We here at BERAB (Beer Enthusiasts Rejecting Acclaimed Beer) want you to know that you are not alone. While in this case we all think you're insane and that your tastebuds and opinion are blatantly wrong, we all have come together for support because from time to time, for whatever reason, you are not going to like a beer that everyone else likes. And that....

"But wait, there's more..."

"And that is ok."

" That's great to hear. You guys have made me feel so welcome. And right after I had the Grand Cru, I tried the Weltenburger Bock and it was fantastic. I mean really really good. And everyone seems to like that, so I'm ok, right?

"That's right, you are just fine"

"Actually, I'm not done. About half way through the Grand Cru, I realized I simply could not drink any more so I dumped it down the sink. One of the first times I've ever done that, but it's ok because I'm with such an understanding group."

"Get out."

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Post by Bobbyok »

tupalev wrote:"I realized I simply could not drink any more so I dumped it down the sink."

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Post by tupalev »

It's ok Bobbyok, I have an extra bottle that can help ease your suffering if you like :)

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Post by esprit »

Hey, I was the Rodenbach agent for 10 years and I can't drink the stuff either so don't feel alone...

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Post by Jon Walker »

I HATED the Rodenbach Grand Cru. I don't use this word lightly. I stopped into the Manulife centre and grabbed six of them this afternoon. After a brief stop into Volo for a pint of Corp.Punishment (which had just been tapped by the way) I took the streetcar home. As supper cooked I anxiously uncapped a bottle of the Grand Cru and gently poured it into the appropriate glassware. Here's my best attempt to "review" what happened next;

Beer poured a little fizzy almost like nearly flat pepsi with a colour to match (perhaps a shade darker). Almost no head at all and what was in the glass quickly dissipated. Smell was musty, slightly raisin like. First sip nearly made me spit it out. It was acidic, tart with a wet cardboard taste lingering on the palette. The fizziness was evident on the tongue as well but in an unpleasant way. The aftertaste was one of dusty sourness. I was so dissappointed and confused I asked my wife to try it suspecting it was off. She gagged and spat it directly into the sink (a reaction she's never had to any beer I've offered her). I took a second sip just to be sure and hated it more than the first. Suspecting I had a bad bottle I too poured it out...BUT I then opened a second to see if it was any different. Nope...equally horrid. Into the sink it also went.

I've got a pretty good reputation when it comes to knowing quality beer but never in my experience have I so strongly disliked a beer that others have reviewed so positively. I just don't get it. In fact I'd GIVE the other four bottles I have of the stuff to any one of you who could honestly drink it in front of me and claim it was exquisite.

Any takers?

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Post by Mississauga Matt »

Personally, I really like it (picked mine up at The Manulife Centre too - tip o' the hat to whomever posted about it being there). I like the smooth elegant tartness.

I admire your honesty. There's no need for anyone to hide their opinion simply because it may not match what others think. Chacun à son goût.
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Post by pootz »

Awww gimme a break guys I was on my way to get some tomorrow...it finally showed at the local state liquor monopoly. I'm in fear now,
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Post by Andicus »

This thread shocks me... I'm really enjoying mine, and considering a plan of attack that prevents me from consuming it too quickly. After enjoying the single Rodenbach Alexander I was able to obtain a few years back, I was worried that I would be let down by the Grand Cru. Thankfully I was wrong. Sorry to hear your experience was the opposite.

I thought maybe my taste was suspect considering I'm the only one I've ever heard mention of that doesn't like Schlenkerla (not that it's related). Go figure. To each his own!



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Post by the.brewer »

So who's been hyping everyone up? Where are the references? I'm just being lazy, as I'm sure ratebeer and Beer Advocate are two sources.

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Post by JerCraigs »

the.brewer wrote:So who's been hyping everyone up? Where are the references? I'm just being lazy, as I'm sure ratebeer and Beer Advocate are two sources.
Well it has (had?) a decent rating at RB, I have not checked BA. But if you look at the RB ratings they range from Joey_Capp's 4.9/5 down to low 2s/5 for other people.

The "hype" i think has a bit to do with the frustration people had in tracking it down at the LCBO. Joe's high rating probably contributed to this since he was basically the first Ontarian to get his eager little hands on it. I personally was skeptical still since I know Joe's appreciation for the sour stuff is much higher than mine.

When it comes right down to it, I paid $2.20 each for a few bottles of the Grand Cru, I paid $1.50 for a bottle of Lakeport Strong. even if I hate the RGC I expect it will be an experience to remember!

Face it, sour beers are not for everyone and are a very aquired taste. Theres some I loved (La Folie, Fantomne) and some I could barely drink(Cantillon Geuze). I have not cracked open the RGC yet. We shall see!

PS - Andicus I can stand the Schlenkerla. I have had very very few smoked beers I have enjoyed. Personal Taste.

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Post by Bobbyok »

tupalev wrote:It's ok Bobbyok, I have an extra bottle that can help ease your suffering if you like :)
Wish I was close by to pick up all these extra bottles that people don't want! My sadness lies more in the fact that I'm unable to get my sour fix as much as I'd like here in NS than being distressed about others not enjoying Rodenbach. I've had the Grand Cru on two occasions. I loved it the first time and I enjoyed it even more the second. But I can definitely understand someone not enjoying it.

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Post by joey_capps »

[quote="Jon Walker"In fact I'd GIVE the other four bottles I have of the stuff to any one of you who could honestly drink it in front of me and claim it was exquisite.

Any takers?[/quote]

I'm sure there are more than a few of us here that could do this easily. I'm on one them. So the next time we're meeting up, bring 'em along. And, I'm willing to take bottles off of anyone who wants to get rid of them.

To those who didn't like the Grand Cru, what did you think about the Cantillon products? Have you tried and liked any other Flemish Sour Ales? Don't mean this as a slight in any way--you like what you like--but perhaps you just don't like sour beers?


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Post by mustang3 »

I can't wait to try some Rodenbach grand cru. I got a bottle of Cantillon Geuze in a trade and loved it. I think some people just enjoy the sour taste and others don't. I don't think it's a question of a sophisticated palate, because I don't think I have one but I love sour beers. BTW, I'm coming home a week from Sunday so I'll start making arrangements to meet verybody I'm trading with.

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Post by pootz »

I think it's wonderful stuff. My review from Ratebeer/BA:
Bottled..330ml crown top expirery date 06/06. Served at 48 deg.F in a thin stemmed tulip... it poured a brilliant ruby red-amber with a sticky off white cap that laces beautifully.Tiny bubbled ample effervescence. Aroma is a knock out!..concord grape, cherry tartness some herbal smells, acidic like dry cider. Taste? sure does!..glorious layers of berry like tarness, malty but herbal, some horse blanket... sweetness balances against sour cider tartness...what a ride! Finish is tart and dry like a strong cider. This is a remarkable brew...some will hate it some will love it (as I do) for it’s amazing flavor and refreshing fruity tartness. Recommended to those with no boundaries who want to experience one of the worlds most unique and well crafted ales......truely remarkable.
This tastes like a cherry-grape dry cider....ya gotta wonder why some Flem brewer would blend a dozen yeasts and oak age for 2 years then blend to get this effect.....but I think it's an amazing brew some say like a fruit Gueuze ...what ever...I enjoyed mine and will cellar 6 at the cheap price of $2.20
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Post by scott »

So who's been hyping everyone up? Where are the references? I'm just being lazy, as I'm sure ratebeer and Beer Advocate are two sources.
Michael Jackson himself says: "Rodenbach Grand Cru would feature in any connoisseur's list of the world's top ten beers. Like many highly distinctive products, it has relatively small sales". The Great Beer Guide, Dorling Kindersley, 2000.

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