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Driftwood Fat Tug

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Driftwood Fat Tug

Post by Tapsucker »

Well, it finally happened, I'm pining for travel again. Especially to some of my favorite beer friendly cities like Vancouver.

BC has so many awesome breweries, too much to go into here, but it's also great that some of their 'just available everywhere' beers are solid. Even walking into a stupid sports bar will likely mean at least one tap will have a good beer on tap, (and I mean something better than a Rickards or Tankhouse we get here). Often that beer is a Driftwood Fat Tug.

So I picked up a few at the LCBO to cheer me up. Glad I did. Also glad we get it here in Ontario. Also, it's still one of the best beer labels in ages, it was more impressive when they had bombers, but still cool on the cans.
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Post by cratez »

Fresh on tap and out of the can (if you can find good dates) it is indeed a great beer, and likely one of the best West Coast IPAs made in Canada. If you think about it, Driftwood overall is a really well-rounded, consistent, and versatile brewery that excels in many styles. And I don't think I've ever had a truly bad beer from them.
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