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Worst Beers!

Discuss beer or anything else that comes to mind in here.

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Post by Cass »

As per A's suggestion, let's separate the worst beers into a new thread. I've tried a lot of beers in my life, and man have I had some terrible ones. Here are some highlights:

1. Copperhead Screaming Beaver Lager. From a now-defunct brewery in Ottawa, this is probably the worst beer I've ever had. I can't even begin to describe it horribleness. I'm a strong supporter of the microbrewery industry, but this was one micro I was happy to see go!

2. Bell's Batch 5000. I do not like smoke beers. At all. Yeech.

3. Sam Adams Triple Bock. Maybe when I had it many years ago I wasn't used to "bold" beers, I don't know. But no positive memories with this one.

4. Quidi Vidi Kriek. I think most of us know about this one. Coming in close behing this one is Sam Adams Cherry Wheat.

5. Glatt Bros. Chille. Another defunct Ontario brewery, that made some good products, but I wasn't too fond of this one.

Josh Oakes
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Post by Josh Oakes »

While I disagree vehemently about smoked beers, that one sucked nonetheless. But it's not on the worst list.

1. Floris Chocolat - If you've ever had this there is no explanation needed. May appeal to fans of Quidi Vidi Kriek.

2. Stepan Razin Studencheskoye - A masterpiece of 3.2% Russian lager. It wasn't even the lightness that was the problem, but the overwhelming raunchiness. It didn't match up with any brewing flaw that I'm aware of, which scared me even more.

3. St. Peter's Apple & Cinnamon Ale - I'm not just doing this to get both of our importers on here - I really hated this one and found it as pleasant as drinking orange juice right after brushing your teeth.

4. Salva Vida - In fact, you can put pretty much any beer from Cerveceria Hondurena on this list. Some of the worst, most flawed mainstream lagers I've had.

5. Cave Creek Chili Beer - Raw jalapeno heat built upon a base of nasty swill lager. I love hot peppers, but this will test your gag reflex.

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Post by esprit »

I'll remember this Josh...next time, you'll be getting a very special "Josh Price List" for our consignment stuff....just kidding of course...having sold Quidi Vidi Kriek I am not going to defend it as it's one of those rare beers that I sell that I don't personally like although I'm told almost every Newfoundlander thought is was great as, apparently, you can only get maraschino cherries in Newfoundland as fresh cherries can't make the ferry ride over. As for the St. Peter's, we actually received a good number of positive e-mails about this one...frankly, if you heated it up in the microwave it came across much better...did you drink it heated or room temp/cold?

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Post by Mississauga Matt »

File this under "shows what I know."

I actually liked the St Peter's Spiced Ale. I didn't heat it up, I just had it at cellar temperature last year before Christmas, and I found it to be a good Yuletide drink.

For what it's worth, I also like the Leafs, so ya know ...

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Post by Mississauga Matt »

Oh, I forgot to mention how disappointed I am to hear the chorus of boos for Sam Adams Triple Bock. I've never tried it, but I've got three unopened bottles in the cellar, one of which I was plannig to pry open this winter.

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Post by joey_capps »

I'll stand up for the triple bock. It is different but it is one of the most complex beers I've tasted.

Read my review at

http://www.bartowel.com/board/viewtopic ... 95&forum=4

So don't fret Matt

Josh Oakes
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Post by Josh Oakes »

I tried the Apple & Cinnamon both chilled and warm. Didn't make much difference to me. On the other hand, the one that got its fair share of bad press in the beer geek community- the Organic Ale - I thought was probably best constructed beer I've had from St. Peters. It worked well that spring is was out, especially on the warm afternoons.

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Post by Kid Presentable »

I've got a few sam adams triple bocks lying around too. I've drank one and it was harsh. the big aroma is great, but the flavour really attacks you. I've heard you have to lay this down for at least a few years for it to be any good.


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Post by Jon Walker »

1. Labatt Maximum Ice. What is this stuff, Labatt 50 cut with vodka?
2. Tequiza. Beer meets Tequila...enough said.
3. Shlitz Malt liquor. So bad some people think it's cool to drink it!?! Gangsta style!
4. Alexander Keiths IPA...oh it's an IPA is it? What do they do, just wave some hops over top of the kettle during the boil but not ACTUALLY PUT ANY IN?
5. Meister Brau. Ooh it's German? Actually no...marketed to people who can't afford to drink the more "refined" Miller.

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Post by Lyle »

a quick funny story about Schlitz Malt Liquor...

We were on a ski trip in Austria and were having dinner in a restaurant in Innsbruck. On the menu was a beer list that included a curious entry - "American Bull Strong Beer." I asked the waiter if it had another name, and he said no - that they just call it "American Bull." Of course, I had to order one to see what it was. Yep - sure enough it was the familiar Schlitz Malt Liquor with the blue bull on the side.

Somewhat embarassed that this was the lone American representative on a rather lengthy beerlist of weissbeers and such, I told the waiter that nobody really drank that stuff in the U.S. He replied (in a very thick accent), "Nobody drinks it here either, tastes like crap."

It was kind of cool to see a can of Schlitz that said "imported" on the side, though...

Lyle Ostrow
Premier Gourmet
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Post by joey_capps »

Though I generally managed to avoid any really bad beers over the past year or so (since I've been into this beer thing), I still have had a few stinkers

1) Alexander Keith's Light
2) Cerveza Pilsener (Ecuador)
3) Cool Beer
4) Rickard's Red (on principle)
5) Steeler

Cheers, Joe.

Josh: you have to post those Lucky Lager reviews here. There's another one we should try when we go for the Floris Chocolate

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Post by screw2000 »

My worst beers? Discounting the Big Two (that's like shooting fish in a barrel), I'd have to say it's a tie between Pilsner (no not the style, but that awful brand from Alberta with the faux-German font on the label) and the infamous Drummond Beer Beer.

As far as the SATB, I wish I saved a bottle for a few years. The last time I tried one (back in '97), the smell reminded me of Vegemite. Hyurgh.

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Post by DAN-D-MAN »

Worst five...

- Steam beers (Muskoka had one and maybe Sleeman). These tasted awful. I don't think they're around anymore. It was just a bad idea!
- Cheval Blanc in Québec. Any beer I tried from these guys, bottled or on tap, was way too carbonated.
- St. Peters's Apple & Cinnamon. Just could'nt get past that taste.
- British Ales. I've tried several different beers from Britain and most are uneventful brews.
- Lambics. Beer with a champagne texture... No Thanks! I love fruit beers, but I can't get passed that fizziness in Lambics!

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Post by rabbit »

Everyone is entitled to their opinions but, with all due respect DAN-D-MAN, "English Ales" and "Lambics" are such sweeping condemnations that they have no business being on your list as you cannot possibly have such an opinion since you have nothing to base it on. It's like me saying that everyone named DAN knows jack-squat about beer...I'm sure that there are some Dan's out there who know something about beer and there may in fact be some English Ales and Lambics out there that you might like. Once you've tasted every English Ale and Lambic produced, please feel free to condemn them all...in the meantime, be specific about products with which you are familiar.

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Post by GregClow »

On 2002-11-05 08:39, DAN-D-MAN wrote:

- Steam beers (Muskoka had one and maybe Sleeman). These tasted awful. I don't think they're around anymore. It was just a bad idea!
I'm not sure about Muskoka, but Sleeman is still making their's.

And while I wasn't that impressed with the Sleeman version when I tried it, I'd disagree with you that the style is a "bad idea" in general. Anchor Steam is one of the finest beers I've ever had.


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