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Ottawa: Big Rig, Broadhead

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midlife crisis
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Ottawa: Big Rig, Broadhead

Post by midlife crisis »

Ottawa guys: three new (to me) Ottawa beers popped up in my midtown Toronto LCBO today -- Big Rig Gold, Big Rig Scotch, Broadhead Amber. I'm starting with the Gold and I am pretty underwhelmed. Should I expect better from the other two? What is the consensus on these breweries generally? I am always suspicious of a beer named after a colour that doesn't even indicate if it is an ale or a lager.

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Post by TwoPint »

I agree with you on the Big Rig Gold. The Big Rig Scotch was OK but I wouldn't buy it again. I quite enjoyed the Broadhead Grindstone.

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Post by Kekumba »

I have nothing nice to say about Broadhead. We'll just leave it at that.

I'm not a big fan of Big Rig either, but I stop by fairly frequently. Their new production facility (where the Broadhead Amber is brewed and canned) is less than five minutes from my where I live and has had something new on tap every week. I'd say their beers are somewhat "basic" but overall true to style and I can appreciate that. I have no thoughts on the Gold, but the Scotch Ale is not bad. One of my least favourite styles, but a nice easy drinking smokey caramel flavour to it.

Kel Varnsen
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Post by Kel Varnsen »

Kekumba wrote:I have nothing nice to say about Broadhead. We'll just leave it at that.

I'm not a big fan of Big Rig either, but I stop by fairly frequently. Their new production facility (where the Broadhead Amber is brewed and canned) is less than five minutes from my where I live and has had something new on tap every week. I'd say their beers are somewhat "basic" but overall true to style and I can appreciate that. I have no thoughts on the Gold, but the Scotch Ale is not bad. One of my least favourite styles, but a nice easy drinking smokey caramel flavour to it.
I like Big Rig, at least their beers. They always seem to be trying something new. For what is essentially a sports bar, I appreciate that they always seem to be making more challenging styles. I mean they have done a couple of different Saisons, a black IPA and a hopenweisse. They could have easily just brewed gold all year round and called it a day. I mean do any other sports bars in Ottawa have a black IPA on tap?

Also their brewmaster is probably one of the best, if not the best (as far as skills go) brewers in Ottawa.

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Post by Bytowner »

Yeah, Kekumba and Kel cover it. Big Rig makes some nice and different beers. Gold is neither of those things. And Broadhead is great for the Ontario beer scene of 2005.
Craft beer hipster before it was cool

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