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Great British Beer Festival -- YouTube Channel

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Uncle Bobby
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Great British Beer Festival -- YouTube Channel

Post by Uncle Bobby »

You have probably seen this before, but the GBBF and the good people at CAMRA have a channel on YouTube. In the last day or two they have posted a number of items including, it seems, the announcement of the Champion Beer of Britain (here, here) for 2010.

I like the shots of the crowd because it's like looking in a mirror with multiple reflections.

Also, the Island Records channel is posting a serialized Guide to London with the American band, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. In one episode, Grace and the band speak with a gentleman from CAMRA about British real ale at a good pub in Camden. (Buddy there should probably be paying Skunk Baxter a royalty for borrowing his look.)

And yes, if I spend this much time on YouTube, my best days are probably behind me.
"It's ma-a-a-gic!"

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